View Full Version : Velocity Library (vLib)

February 22nd, 2007, 19:43
new release via Zettablade (http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-development-forum-11/t-release-velocity-library-vlib-97085.html)

heres what he had to say-

So, I've decided to release vLib. What is vLib? vLib is the Velocity library, a general purpose library written by yours truly. It's been a little project of mine for a while. It's pretty fast, and has most of the functions you'd need to make a simple 2D game. I am releasing it under GPL, just in case anyone's interested.


* Loads PNG images
* Load image into ram and vram
* auto-swizzles images upon loading (makes for a much faster blit)
* Draw images
* Unload Images
* Use a linear filter on an image (to smooth it)
* Custom controller input structure
* Most basic functions needed for initlizing the gu and drawing, as well as vsync and double buffering
* A function that displays the current fps and the current available memory in the upper-left corner of the screen.
Can also display any extra info you would like.
* Load custom mdl file.
* Display models
* Primitive display list
* 3rd person camera


* Bugfixes! (yay?)
* Optimizations (duh!)
* Add in support for the following image formats.
tga bmp jpg/jpeg/jpe
* Add in support for the following 3D model formats.
obj 3ds md2
* Add in support for the following audio formats
at3 wav
* Write a player to play all the media formats listed above
* Better display list implementation
* Fix texture vram loading (not sure about this one)
* Finish image rotations
* Add image alpha masking
* Add in a bitmap font loader and printing function
* Graphical filter functions
lighting, reflection, cell shading, etc
* Video loader/player functions with video playback (someday?)
* Terrain generator
* Mip-Maps
* Functional 1st person camera
* More powerful/faster 3rd person camera

If you would like to contribute, please, go right a head. I still have plenty of features to add to it, and any help would be appreciated. If you would like to know more about this, join the #psp-programming channel on irc.freenode.net.

Everything you need to know to use this is in the readme and the included sample, if you need any help or would like to talk more about this, talk to me on the #psp-programming channel or email me. You can also PM me. I would prefer IRC though.

download and give feedback via comment

Mr. Shizzy
February 23rd, 2007, 16:22
Wow. That's awesome ! Thanks Zettablade :D