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View Full Version : Nintendo moves to calm Wii U fears as unofficial UK price cuts fail

March 21st, 2013, 22:56
Via MCV (http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/nintendo-moves-to-calm-wii-u-fears-as-unofficial-price-cuts-fail/0112855)

Nintendo UK has pledged to meet with retailers worried about the performance of its Wii U games console.
Growing dissatisfaction towards the new hardware has seen retailers Amazon (http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=wiiu), Asda (http://direct.asda.com/Nintendo-Wii-U/37020007,default,sc.html?psortb1=price&psortd1=1), ShopTo (http://www.shopto.net/wiiu) and GameStop (http://www.gamestop.co.uk/) slash £50 off its price. But even that has failed to stimulate sales.
“We have taken the decision to reduce the price of the Basic Wii U to test the market and assess the impact of a price change for a short period of time,” ShopTo purchasing director James Rowson told MCV. “This has resulted in a smaller than desired increase in sales at this stage.”
Meanwhile, some chains have told MCV that it will be ‘looking at’ the amount of shelf space it gives to Nintendo platforms.
“Currently Nintendo has not lost space, but their mix of sales is down,” says a top buyer at one of the UK’s biggest games retailers. “We are looking to reduce slightly but must admit their silence on strategy is deafening at the moment. They’ve got to do something otherwise it is GameCube all over again.”
Nintendo has told MCV that it has a plan to stimulate Wii U’s performance in the UK. And that it will meet all its retail partners in the coming weeks to reveal its strategy.
“We’ll be speaking to our retailers directly over the next few weeks to take them through our plans for building Wii U momentum over the course of 2013,” said a Nintendo spokesperson. “We have a strong and broad line-up of software launching this year and we look forward to updating – and exciting – our partners over the coming weeks.”
Wii U has suffered from a poor release schedule since debut. This week marks the first new software from Nintendo for the platform since January. Releases include LEGO City and Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate.

Shop to --> http://www.shopto.net/wiiu

Asda --> http://direct.asda.com/Nintendo-Wii-U/37020007,default,sc.html?psortb1=price&psortd1=1

Gamestop --> http://www.gamestop.co.uk/

Amazon -- > http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=wiiu