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View Full Version : xenon-garden Case mod

February 23rd, 2007, 14:05
Ah nothing like a transparent console casing mod. to make one appreciate a wide verity of color just a little bit more.

none the less this X-box 360 case mod from X-box central looks quite nice, it sports a slightly smoked look to hide the raw ugly of bare circuitry while maintaining just enough transparency to allow any LED mod fan to have a field day. Here's what the nice people over at xbox-central (http://www.xbox-central.com/) had to say.

" Remember the crystal Xbox that the whole Xbox gaming world was so in love with? Remember how you used to spend hours on end, fixing lights and neon's to shine through the textured matted surfaces for that glowy effect in the living room? We're announcing that it's back! Only right now, with a different name - Xenon360 Diamondback. Packed with crystal faceplates and side amours, this baby is sure to take your breath away with its sheer elegance and presence that will adorn your living rooms like a work of art. Click on the picture below to see more hi-res pix on our Flickr.com picturehouse. Enjoy! (To be released for pre-order soon!)"




Can you Say LED TIME?

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