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View Full Version : Velocity Library (vLib) v1.1

February 25th, 2007, 21:29
New release from Zettablade:

So, I've decided to release vLib. What is vLib? vLib is the Velocity library, a general purpose library written by yours truly. It's been a little project of mine for a while. It's pretty fast, and has most of the functions you'd need to make a simple 2D game. I am releasing it under GPL, just in case anyone's interested.

Originally Posted by README
- Loads PNG images
- Load image into ram and vram
- auto-swizzles images upon loading (makes for a much faster blit)
- Draw images
- Rotate images
- Crop images
- Draw an image from a specified center
- Unload images
- Enable/Disable linear filter
- Powerful input checking
- Functions for init/uninit library and drawing
- Set it to draw for 2D or 3D
- A function that displays the current fps and the current available memory in the upper-left corner of the screen.
Can also display any extra info you would like.
- Load custom mdl file.
- Display models
- Primitive display list
- 3rd person camera

- Bugfixes! (yay?)
- Optimizations (duh!)
- Add in support for the following image formats.
tga bmp jpg/jpeg/jpe
- Add in support for the following 3D model formats.
obj md2 (these ones eventually) 3ds maya blend
- Add in support for the following audio formats
at3 wav
- Write a player to play all the media formats listed above
- Better display list system
- Fix texture vram loading
- Add image alpha masking
- Add in a bitmap font loader and printing function
- Graphical filter functions
lighting, reflection, cell shading (need more)
- Terrain generator
- Mip-Maps
- Functional 1st person camera
- More powerful/faster 3rd person camera

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via zettablade (http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-development-forum-11/t-release-velocity-library-vlib-97085.html)

February 26th, 2007, 01:13
sounds cool im gonna download it.

February 26th, 2007, 01:24
Im going to download this, see if i can make my own game =P

February 26th, 2007, 03:14
Looks ok... Whats it like ladies^^^^^