View Full Version : GOAT Store Banner Contest Winners Announced

April 20th, 2005, 23:56
The results from the first ever GOAT Store Banner Contest are in, and there are great banners galore!

“When it came time to pick the best of the bunch, that task proved impossible,” stated Dan Loosen of the GOAT Store, LLC. “We just decided that instead of trying to judge, everyone was a winner in our books!”

All of the winning banner submissions should have already received notification via email of their winning status. If you have not received notification, please contact Dan Loosen at [email protected] for instructions on claiming your prize as a game tester.

All of the banner submissions can be viewed at http://www.goatstore.com/goatbanners.php. All of the button submissions can be viewed at http://www.goatstore.com/goatbuttons.php. . All of the banners and buttons may be used by GOAT Store Affiliates or anyone that wants to link to the GOAT Store site. For more information on the GOAT Store, LLC Affiliate Program, please go to http://www.goatstore.com/affiliate_info.php

April 21st, 2005, 11:08
yeah i won ;)

April 21st, 2005, 13:48
Woo me too. ;) WE all get sent these to playtest then do we?

April 21st, 2005, 17:30
Looks like that may be the case.

Of course, I think there were only five or six people that entered. :)

April 21st, 2005, 21:56
“We just decided that instead of trying to judge, everyone was a winner in our books!”

That may confirm your idea

April 22nd, 2005, 06:17
That may confirm your idea

Actually, it was about 10 people that entered. We were very pleased with the turnout actually considering that we barely promoted this contest at all. We are undergoing some major changes in how we handle inventory right now that should be done in two months, and when it is over you should expect to see a huge push for us with the affiliate program. But for now, we just wanted "friends and fans" to be able to playtest it. Beyond our site, the announcement for the contest was only made at three Web sites.

And yes, everyone will be playtesting the game :) I am working on figuring out the details on that, and should get back to everyone sometime soon. I've been putting off the announcement because we are a bit behind schedule right now, but hopefully we'll be ready to roll soon.