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View Full Version : PSP Radio version 1.15.1283

February 27th, 2007, 01:13
Raf has once again updated his PSP Radio streaming app for the PSP:

Heres whats new:

New Features:

(raf) Core: Added AUTOSTART option under USB, instead of it being its own option, and using up screenspace.
(raf) Core: Better Suspend/Resume support.
(raf) Core: Added Tell/Seek functions to the streams/decoding. Added support to resume to continue playing where it was before it went into suspend mode (localfiles).
(raf) Core: Buttons can now be mapped. Look at PSPRadio.cfg for details. Changed the default mappings. SQUARE=CANCEL now. L+R cycle screens. (Button combinations are now also allowed).
(raf) Core/Plugin/Version: Changed the interface to .15. Working on a revamped interface. (will be .2). TextUI uses the button mapping to remap buttons if the skin is configured to do so (look at SHOUTcastScreen.cfg for an example).

Bug Fixes:

(raf) Core: USB is now working again, thanks to AhMan's for the help.

Known Bugs:

(raf) Core: Static IP connections don't work correctly. Seems the gateway is not used as it should.
(raf) Core: Module unlëading doesn't free up all memory correctly. Even though plugins can now be loaded/unloaded, the PSP can eventually crash as it runs out of memory (after loading/unloading enough times; even though I switched back and forth between the text and 3d UIs over 20 times, and everything worked fine).

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February 27th, 2007, 01:25
Does this work in U.K and can it support Radio 1 highfreq??

February 27th, 2007, 01:50
Does this work in U.K and can it support Radio 1 highfreq??

yes it works in the uk.
no radio 1 , unless its listed on shoutcast.
you could use pmpvlc for that.

February 27th, 2007, 03:40
Yay, more sweet app-ness! Nice job raf.

February 27th, 2007, 04:46
Sweet. Now if only we could use psp radio with local radio signals instead of wifi.

February 27th, 2007, 04:56
can any one DL PSP radio from this site\?

February 27th, 2007, 05:37
awesome.. i hadn't had any luck with 0.37... gave this a go and all the connection issues have gone away... well, it actually connects to some stations now... will test some more :)

February 27th, 2007, 14:38
yeah so glad it even works on 3.03hen but some of the screens need something doing to it as the buttons have changed but i like it anyway, could somebody explaine why the usb needs to be there, cos it makes no sense to me lol
also am not sure if it just me cos i got 3.03hen but the start will go to the options and back out in 1 second, plus is there a way of making your own theme

February 27th, 2007, 19:00
Woo! I love to see that people is still working on application homebrews like this one. This was one of the first homebrews ever made for the PSP. Or at least one of the first I had. It's so good to see how it is evolving.

March 2nd, 2007, 04:26
i was able to start the program but it seems to stuck at the initializing stage and then shuts down my psp. what am i doing wrong here. i'm on 3.03OE-C by the way