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February 28th, 2007, 03:34
I had OE-A2 for a week now but I want to know what are plugins I have heard about.

February 28th, 2007, 08:34
Plugins are extra codes/files that the PSP can run thanks to OE firmware.

If Capture.prx is installed, enabled correctly, you can take screenshots and GIF movies of your XMB and UMD games. Different PRXs can do different things. Capture.prx is just one example.

February 28th, 2007, 09:09
yeah what michael said, but also remember that some prxs can only be used in some places, for example;

capture.prx-screenshot and gif video capture
can be used in all 3 places (VSH, GAME and POPS)

sys_boot.prx-autoboot an eboot on return to VSH (Either on startup or after exiting a game)
can only be used in VSH

cwcheat.prx-universal cheat device for official psp umds, much like action replay/game shark/etc
can only be used in GAME

popsoader.prx-allows user to swap between any pops version on a 3.10 OE psp
can only be used in POPS

March 1st, 2007, 01:22
Thanks for your replys but what is this mp3.prx i been hearing about can it work on a homebrew or emulator game. What about on UMD?
