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View Full Version : GDC director: PS3 owners will be "very happy" next week

February 28th, 2007, 19:55
As GDC rapidly approaches, GameDaily's James Brightman sat down with conference director Jamil Moledina to discuss possible PS3 announcements among other things. According to Moledina, PS3 owners will be "very happy" come March 7 after hearing Phil Harrison's keynote. "Not to be coy but you'll just have to come to his talk" he told GameDaily. "All I can say is that I stand behind my ['very happy'] comment."

It's likely Moldina has the advance on Harrison's keynote because, after all, it's his freakin' conference. And being that Jamil isn't on Sony's payroll, maybe PS3 owners do have some legitimate good news to look forward to next week. To say they need it is an understatement.

via joystiq (http://www.joystiq.com/2007/02/28/gdc-director-ps3-owners-will-be-very-happy-next-week/)

February 28th, 2007, 20:37
Can't wait to find out what it is. I hope it is something like a homebrew SDK or a DVR function. Doubt it though. Guess all I can do is wait.

March 1st, 2007, 05:15
Hmmmm sony employing "the keep 'em guessing tactics" to keep consumers on thier toes right? Hmmmm they got me, i so cannot wait and it better be good or im gonna go shot up sony office in london. Lol.

March 1st, 2007, 07:31
I'm very hopeful at this point, but I won't be surprised at all if all this is about something really lame.

March 1st, 2007, 10:03
What is lame to you could be "da bomb" to someone else.