View Full Version : Road Rash-inspired Road Redemption cruises to Kickstarter

April 14th, 2013, 09:38
While Road Rash creator Dan Geisler is left wanting to resurrect his MIA motorcycle combat series (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-03-13-road-rash-creator-ready-to-do-another-one-using-kickstarter-if-theres-interest) after EA holds the rights, a group of experienced devs at DarkSeas Games have been hard at work on the Road Rash-inspired Road Redemption, which just launched aKickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/darkseasgames/road-redemption?ref=live).Though Geisler isn't involved in the project, DarkSeas is comprised of staff from Sega, Sony, Bioware, Gameloft, Tequila Works, Disney Interactive, 2K Sports, EA, and Lucasarts, so these aren't just a bunch of amateur yahoos.Road Redemption will feature a GTA-esque story about being released from prison and trying to rise the ranks of your biker gang, but it's mostly just an excuse to cruise around slaughtering people with baseball bats and sledge hammers at 120 miles per hour.The combat system will be based on counters and parries. "A stronger weapon is always an advantage, but even a weaker combatant can get the upper hand by forcing his opponent off the road, or into oncoming traffic," explained DarkSeas on its Kickstarter page. The developer noted that Road Redemption will be a rather difficult game and there won't be any auto-aim. "Make no mistake, Road Redemption is geared toward experienced gamers," it stated.Missions sound rather varied ranging from deadly races, to assassination attempts, to chases over the roofs of skyscrapers. There will also be free-for-all and team-based multiplayer modes where rival gangs face off against one another.
