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View Full Version : PSP2PS3 Version 1.7.3 Released - Play PSP Homebrew on PS3

April 14th, 2013, 22:26
A Tool suite by szczuru to modify PSP games in order to run them on a PS3 (running a custom Firmware, or DEX)

---FIXED: Starting EDAT Tool when user chooses to unpack iso
---FIXED: Issue when function sleep doesn't exist in system - pause will be used insted of it.
---Extension in output filename is now required
---DONOR.PBP isn't required anymore. Replaced fake_np with one which doesn't need DONOR //thanks to Aldo (aka aldostools)
-Couple bugfixes
-Added check for exist load_tmp/save_tmp/open_tmp directories in placeholder
-Replaced old EBOOT.BIN signing tool with new one (BIG THX to RikuKH3)
-Few modifications by Aldo (aka aldostools)
---Added a default placeholder folder (created from tools\PSPP00000.7z) and fixed a couple of errors.
---Old (unsigned EBOOT) will be kept as EBOOT.OLD
-Replaced EDAT Tool GUI with new one - only 2 clicks to make EDATs (new version of pink1's tool)
-Replaced old npdpc tool with new one (mongoose) which doesn't need Open-SSL and other tools (swapper/minis_bin) //thanks to Doobz
-Replaced make_package_npdrm with psn_package_npdrm
-Added UMDGEN to PSP2PS3 package (in tools directory)
-FIXED: Generating package with proper CID (based on GameID)
-FIXED: few minor bugs
---Added ability to change GameID (eg when user want to make few packages using one placeholder)
---Added ability to use PIC1/ICON0/SND from source (original ISO or ISO generated by MAKE_EDATS_[CEX/DEX])

-Added compatibility with CEX FW (EDAT Tool GUI included)
-Added make_package_npdrm from Aldo's Tools
-Added ability to transfer package created by MAKE_PACKAGE via FTP to PS3
(package will be transferred to dev_hdd0:/packages)
-Added ability to extract PKG and copying eboot from it to PSP2PS3 dir
-Auto generating correct PARAM.SFO
-Added ability to enable/disable compression in ISO2EBOOT
-ISO2EBOOT will ask that EBOOT.PBP could be used as DONOR
-Initial/Test releases

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