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View Full Version : My Customization of Vibestars Mario theme (subs)

March 1st, 2007, 19:28
This is runs on my 3.03 oe-c psp.

Topmenus DON'T work on 3.10 oe-a.




This pack includes -

- Icons + sub-icons
- Battery, volume bar
- Custom wave (no real need for this, i just like it)
- Spinning loading mario coin
- Super mario font


Here is a screenshot.
http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/6226/screen1uc5.th.png (http://img174.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screen1uc5.png)
Click to view bigger :)

There is a video image inside this download if you wish to see.

I know this isn't to everyones taste as the some of the sub icons are sort of random in places.

Feel free to change things.

But ALL credits go to Vibestar for making a great theme.

Download Via Comments

March 1st, 2007, 21:12
oh god very nice theme. Great Work. I think I'll come up with my own theme soon...Wait for it.:D

March 1st, 2007, 21:27
i believe a lot of this is Vendeta's

PSP 101
March 1st, 2007, 21:46
Great XMB! I tried it on my PSP and it looked good.

March 1st, 2007, 22:38
wow very nice theme
you did a really good job

March 1st, 2007, 22:40
what did i do wrong my psp boots up but b4 i could see anything the wave across the screen freezes up and i see nothing i followed all of the directions !!!! please helllpppppppppppppppp

March 1st, 2007, 22:48
what firmware are you running?

March 1st, 2007, 22:52
dark alex 3.10 oe

March 1st, 2007, 22:53
are you running 3.10 oe a?
cause then you need to put in your old top menu plugin back cause it wont work with this

did you backup your old top_menu pluginn?

March 1st, 2007, 22:54
u shouldve put the firmware that this should be used by

March 1st, 2007, 22:59
okay, I've edited my post to say that its on my 3.03 oe.

I just thought everyone understood that topmenus don't work on 3.10 oe by now.


March 1st, 2007, 22:59
no i didnt the readme said that its good to be dark alex firmware which i am-and no i didnt back up my old top menu plugin if u have one can u please post it i really would appreciate it

March 1st, 2007, 22:59
well can someone please help a brother out:confused:

March 1st, 2007, 23:03
:mad: and the recovery wont help me either

March 1st, 2007, 23:07
there is no need for a tripple post.
i pmed you.
pm back and i well explain the steps to recover your psp.

March 1st, 2007, 23:08
There is NO reason why recovery shouldn't work.

When it freezes, make sure you turn it off properly (holding power switch till it goes off) then doing the 'r' trick.

then reflash to 3.03 oe-c



I'm so sorry, I will get the readme updated tommorow.

March 1st, 2007, 23:29
can somone please give good directions on how to get me back to my beloved psp

March 1st, 2007, 23:37
I'm gunna downgrade to 3.03 OE-C for this.

March 1st, 2007, 23:47
can somone please give good directions on how to get me back to my beloved psp
ok here you go i will write you some very detailed instructions to get your psp back up and running

----first things first----
-download the following files.
here are the links
-plug in your psp (to the wall outlet for power)(the rest of the time i say plug in your psp its to the computer)

----your psp-----
-ok first turn off your psp.(all the way by holding up the power button untill it turns off)
-turn it back on while holding the r button.
-this should bring up the recovery menu.
-plug in your psp
-click toggle usb

----files you just downloaded----
-ok now rename the 3.10 eboot to 310.pbp
-next rename the 1.50 eboot to 150.pbp
-next copy the 310.pbp and 150.pbp to the oeupdmaker folder.
-rename the oeupdmaker folder to recovery.
-copy the recovery and oeupdmaker% folders to your game folder on your psp (not game150).
-click toggle usb (to turn it off)
-unplug your psp

----your psp-----
-go down to 'Run program at /psp/game/recovery/eboot.pbp
-click it
-hit x to start or something (it will tell you what to do. you might not even have to hit x)
-wait untill it automatically exits (4-5 min)
-ok shut off your psp again.
-turn it back on holding r again.
-plug it back in.
-hit toggle usb.

-----your computer-----
-go to your psp (it's like e or something)
-go to psp
-go to game
-open the recovery folder
-copy the dxar file on your psp to the 310oeflasher folder on your computer.
-delete the recovery and oeupdmaker% folders off you psp.
-copy your recovery (the new one that you just renamed from the 310oeflasher folder) and 310oeflasher% to your game folder (not game 150)

-------your psp-------
-click toggle usb ( to disable it)
-unplug your psp
-click 'run game at psp/game/recovery
-it should start
-click x to start (or something it will tell you on screen what to hit)
-it will start to flash your psp
-wait for it to finish(6-7 min)
-your psp should shut down.
-turn it back on.
-be happy that someone was nice enoph to fix you dumb mistake

-----your psp continued-------
-plug in your psp
-go to usb connection

-----your computer--------
-go to your game folder and delete the recovery and oeupdateflasher folders
-download the following file
-copy the 310_a2update folder to psp/game150

-----your psp------
-disable usb
-unplug your psp
-go to game
-go down to memory card
-select the update
-let it run
-your now back on 3.10 oe a'

it should work now but remember custom top menu files dont work under 3.10 oe so dont put one on there!

March 1st, 2007, 23:48
if you would like (i did) you can go back down to 3.03 oe-c
you lose almost no features but you can fully customize your xmb
if you would like me to tell you how to do this just ask and i will write another guide like the one above

March 2nd, 2007, 03:05
Hello guys I wanted to post my Mac OSX inspired theme but I can't make a new thread in this forum... is there some sort of limiting on this forum before I can post a new thread?

March 2nd, 2007, 03:12
I love all these new themes. so many to choose from.
????Who has the best????

March 2nd, 2007, 03:47
Hello guys I wanted to post my Mac OSX inspired theme but I can't make a new thread in this forum... is there some sort of limiting on this forum before I can post a new thread?

at the top right area of the sceen under the network click submit news at the end of the list. post it there and it will be moved here

Mr. Shizzy
March 2nd, 2007, 05:25
I love all these new themes. so many to choose from.
????Who has the best????

Me. lol. Mines not finished yet... But it pwns :P

March 2nd, 2007, 14:13
my psp is fixed now good looking out buddy4point0:thumbup:

March 2nd, 2007, 14:19
Hey that's nice.... I didn't made the icons tho.. I only put them in the rco...
Nice to see it finished.. I will pm you the 32 bits versions.

March 2nd, 2007, 14:58
ok now i fully understand that icon customizers packs dont work on 3.10 but if downgraded back to 3.03 would i still have the pops plugin that lets u enable all pops from 3.00-3.10,or do i lose any compatibilty?:confused:

March 2nd, 2007, 15:18
This is a new fully res background. This way you can use the waves also.....
This can be added to the pack

March 2nd, 2007, 16:25
Right, when i put that full res background in, it makes all the icons funny?

Ive left it out the pack for now..

PM me if you got a way to sort it :)

March 2nd, 2007, 17:30
Ah ok, hmmm that because of the pack. Then tthe theme isn't updated. To bad.

March 2nd, 2007, 20:38
ok now i fully understand that icon customizers packs dont work on 3.10 but if downgraded back to 3.03 would i still have the pops plugin that lets u enable all pops from 3.00-3.10,or do i lose any compatibilty?:confused:
ok if you download down to 3.03 e c you will not lose any compatablilty because the popsloader plugin will still work.

-there are only 2 extreamly small things you will lose.

-you will lose the conserve memory option under internet browser (rarely even needed anyway)
-your dynamic normalizer function under music options (i dont even know what it does)

-but you will gain the abillity to fully customize your xmb.

i downgraded back to 3.03 oe c and i highly recomend it.

March 2nd, 2007, 21:56
ummmm, in the readme it says u have to acces some vsh folder, how do i get to it???? and exactly what files do u need to put in????

April 3rd, 2007, 21:23
what do u mean by turn on with 'R' sholder button held down)