View Full Version : LastFM on PSP!!!!

March 1st, 2007, 19:47
Hi I uncovered this project:


I downloaded the files and installed it on my PSP memory stick.

I renamed the folder lastfm and pointed my web browser to file:/lastfm/index.php and the great news is that the web interface launched flawlessly!

The problem is however, I don't know how to launch the player.

I understand the part about entering my user name and password - which isn't a problem, as I am a lastFM subscriber. But it is also asking for the 'radio URL.' Can anybody tell me what I am supposed to enter here?

It would be so cool to have a fully featured portable PSP based lastFM player - so any help anyone can offer would be very much appreciated.

Can anybody actually get this to work - and if so can you provide a tutorial on how you did it?

March 2nd, 2007, 04:53
I don't get it. Don't you guys understand what LastFM is or something?

It is defenately not just another ho-hum internet radio station.

If you don't know what it is, please do check it out.

March 3rd, 2007, 02:40
Of course we know what it is why not just use psp radio its just as good and no messing about with passwords and url's

March 25th, 2007, 00:52
Well that kind of points to the fact that you don't know. PSPRadio does not currently support LastFM.

LastFM is not just another radio station it is a music discovery/service/ a personal DJ and
a completely personalised/customised radio station all in one.

PSPRadio (although cool) offers none of the advanced cool features of this app. LastFM (and also services such as Pandora) are the way that almost all radio will be played in the next 20 years or so. The PSPRadio approach is like old fashioned 20th century radio, where literally nothing exciting or interesting has happened for decades.

March 25th, 2007, 06:27
It's probably asking for a lastfm:// link.