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View Full Version : A slew of Star Wars: The Old Republic class updates have been detailed

April 17th, 2013, 22:35
http://media.edge-online.com/wp-content/uploads/edgeonline/2013/04/SWTOR-Warrior-610x342.jpg (http://media.edge-online.com/wp-content/uploads/edgeonline/2013/04/SWTOR-Warrior.jpg)To coincide with the new expansion Rise of the Hutt Cartel, BioWare has released a huge patch that changes and updates each of the eight classes in Star Wars: The Old RepublicToday, however, they’ve only written about (http://www.swtor.com/) the changes to four of them: The Sith Warrior, Smuggler, Jedi Knight, and Imperial Agent. For example, the Sith Warrior has received a new ability called Dual Saber Throw, which, as the name suggests, allows them to throw both of their lightsabers simultaneously for extra damage and a movement speed decrease on the target.You can read all of the changes made at the SWTOR developer blog (http://www.swtor.com/info/news). The rest of the classes will be written about in the coming days.
