View Full Version : My sigs, what should i use?

March 2nd, 2007, 02:34
what sigs should i use?

http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/8835/megamanzerosigfq1dl4.png (http://imageshack.us)
http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/8021/megamanzerobluemg8.png (http://imageshack.us)
http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/9140/metknightmysigdn5.png (http://imageshack.us)

March 2nd, 2007, 03:08
second one

March 2nd, 2007, 03:36
hey tetris is back!! yeah man that second one is sweet. id go with that. ive always been fond of ice-ish colored stuff.

March 2nd, 2007, 04:00
Well I guess I'm the third to say the second one :rolleyes: It looks great :thumbup:

March 2nd, 2007, 12:22
ok im going to use my second one

i really like the first one though :p

March 2nd, 2007, 17:28
second one looks good due to it has depth. and the render is nicely blended, i know its brushes but its pretty cool.
Text could be better

March 2nd, 2007, 19:28
second one looks good due to it has depth. and the render is nicely blended, i know its brushes but its pretty cool.
Text could be better

whats some good tips on how ure text to blend into the sig but also be seen better :D
thanks for sharing (if you do :p )

March 2nd, 2007, 21:07
i like the first one best even though you already using the other one...good sigs!

March 2nd, 2007, 21:49
i like the first one best even though you already using the other one...good sigs!

ill give these away for free if you want

Gold Line
March 4th, 2007, 01:32
i think the 3rd one is the best but still all of them are very good