View Full Version : Split Fish PS3 FragFX Controller Hands-On

March 2nd, 2007, 15:50
image above is of PS2 version (EdgeFX)

IGN has conducted a preview on Split Fish's (http://www.splitfish.com/) new innovative controller peripheral. The FragFX incorporates a smart mouse control, perfect for FPS games on the PS3. The above image will be black to match the color of the PS3. Split Fish is entering full production now and expects retail availability in six weeks, which means mid-April. Two versions of the FragFX will be available for the PS3, a wired version for $59.99 and a Bluetooth wireless model for $69.99.

Split Fish has a similar product for the PS2, EdgeFX. We at DCEmu Reviews have one on hand (same as pictured above) and will bring you the review as soon as we can.

Source: IGN (http://gear.ign.com/articles/769/769529p1.html)