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View Full Version : Sony Boss Respects PSP Homebrew

March 2nd, 2007, 21:27
Nice to know that the boss of Sony respects the PSP homebrew scene, heres a tidbit from a recent interview: (http://ncroal.talk.newsweek.com/default.asp?item=511031)

Yesterday, you were asked a question about homebrew development on the PS3, then I steered you onto the PSP. And you said that because the nature of the PSP platform is that it is more closed, and that you didn't feel that it was as appropriate. Your answer made me wonder, is that driven more by corporate goals and the piracy situation? Because when I look at the homebrew community and what they're doing, it's not massive, but there is a sizable number of people that are passionate about experimenting on the PSP.

Yes. It's always difficult, because officially, we could never condone it. Unofficially, I am always very admiring of those people, because they do some really interesting things under very technically complex circumstances. If there was a way to legitimize that--we wouldn't get all of the community, because for some people, the whole dark under the radar element is the appeal. I respect that. I don't like it, but I respect it.

So the last question is a two-parter on PSP and homebrew. Could the PS3 potentially become the homebrew development environment--at the appropriate time, when it makes sense with the value chain that you talked about? An official homebrew development environment.

For the PSP?


That's a very interesting question. Technically, no reason why it couldn't at all. It would only be a business policy issue. In a development environment, the PSP as a standalone hardware is not sufficient to write games on it. You can't plug a keyboard and just get on with it. But as a host environment, the PS3 would be perfect.

Interesting eh

March 2nd, 2007, 21:34
Well, the guy has a point.

If the homebrew scene wasn't such an elite underground sort of community I think it would lose its widespread appeal. And in retrospect, I doubt the scene would have blossomed at the lightspeed rate that it did if SONY from the start said, "its okay, do what you want".

So things worked out good for both parties.

March 2nd, 2007, 21:46
I like the fact that a Sony head is respecting and giving some acknologment to the homebrew scene.

The aspect that gets me angry however is that Sony denies that the PSP is a "home dev" compatible device. The PSP has one of the best homebrew scenes and if Sony stopped to look they would see that homebrew dev's have done some really impressive things for the PSP.

March 2nd, 2007, 21:47
Good for you Sony, you have (to some degree) regained my respect! However, I still think there is more bad then good...

March 2nd, 2007, 21:48
It's good that someone who works for Sony at least respects the scene.

March 2nd, 2007, 22:28
Yaaa Sony It Looks Like You Might Not Burn In The Pits Of Gaming Hell After All Lol!

March 2nd, 2007, 22:38
It would be cool if they do something like microsoft did for the homebrew games...

Really interesting btw :)

March 2nd, 2007, 23:48
He MUST respect the scene.

March 2nd, 2007, 23:51
yeah he said he doesnt like it but must respect it, since he can't do nothing bout it

March 2nd, 2007, 23:58
Hmm, although I never HATED sony, the constant firmware updates make me dislike them. I disliked them a little less after reading this.

March 3rd, 2007, 00:00
It makes me laugh so much that Sony went from completely ruling the portable personal music market (Walkman anyone?) and completely fsck'ed it up. They just can't work out this whole 'pick a format that doesn't screw the user'

March 3rd, 2007, 00:07
All this "Dark homebrew" community stuff is garbage ,it would be WAAYYY better for Homebrew if it was authorised by Sony . It's like icnreasing the speed limit on the motorway , yes a few would have gone over the limit for the thrill of it , but if it were to be condoned it would grab the interest of so many potential homebrew coders or fans.

March 3rd, 2007, 00:10
to tell you the truth, homebrew scene was underground long long time ago, but too many people are interested in this machine, so blegh

March 3rd, 2007, 00:24
In a development environment, the PSP as a standalone hardware is not sufficient to write games on it. You can't plug a keyboard and just get on with it. But as a host environment, the PS3 would be perfect.

Yeah, Phil Harrison, I'll plug a keyboard in your a$$. Oh, better yet, why don't you just authorize a keyboard like the one from keylogic that should have been authorized a year ago? Would have been easier for PSP developers and users to 'just get on with it' as you say...

March 3rd, 2007, 01:08
I still hate Sony a whole lot.

March 3rd, 2007, 01:28
hellz yea

March 3rd, 2007, 05:16
I knew sony had respect for the homebrew scene. It's only the few pirateers sony is afraid of.
Show sony some love. Lets all get another PSP. !!!!NOT!!!! or maybe. Hmm

March 3rd, 2007, 05:44
they're just trying to get some fans back after they killed off Lik-Sang

March 3rd, 2007, 09:31
Respect Man!!!!!!!!!

Aces In The Palm
March 3rd, 2007, 15:33
there has to be a way they can allow home homebrew and not iso loading or devhook through firmware
pspe will let you do homebrew but no commercial games will load
if they could open up to homebrew and lock out piracy at the same time through firmware it would be so brilliant
the single reason for downgrading would be piracy

March 3rd, 2007, 21:17
I hope SONY doesn't end up hiring Dark Alex out of respect!