View Full Version : Guitar Hero 2 (SOURCE INCLUDED)

March 3rd, 2007, 13:14
ok, i made another topic with the name of the PC version, but nobody recognized the name, or cared enough to read it,I'm hoping somebody reads this and decides to at least try to port it.

Frets on Fire is a free, open-source music video game and the winner of the Assembly demo party 2006 game development competition. [1][2][3][4] It is written in Python and uses the Amanith library.

Contents [hide]
1 Gameplay
2 Features
3 Trivia
4 References
5 External links

[edit] Gameplay
Frets on Fire is a Guitar Hero clone, so the player emulates playing the guitar section of a song. Notes appear on the screen, synchronized with the song, and are played by holding the correct "fret buttons" (F1-F5, these are customizable) and pressing the "pick button" (Enter or shift, these are also customizable) at the right moment. Streaks of correct notes increase the point multiplier, but a single missed one resets it. While there is no actual goal to meet for any given song, scores can be uploaded to, and compared at, the official website. The game's distinguishing feature is its control system: the keyboard is meant to be picked up and held like a guitar, with the left hand on the fret buttons and the right hand on the pick. [5] As of February 2007 there are over 15,000 registered users on the unofficial forum, with 500+ songs created.


In-game Play4 difficulty levels (Supaeasy, Easy, Medium, and Amazing).
A tutorial.
A custom song editor.
3 standard songs, along with the ability to download songs made by others and/or make your own.
Joystick support
Allows you to import Guitar Hero(tm) or Guitar Hero II songs from the disk if you have a DVD Drive and 500 MB of disk space.
There is a community dedicated to the development of new songs for the game.
The instant messaging service Xfire currently supports Frets on Fire.
Modification support

I have a copy of the source code for the update that doesn't support gh2 imports, if someone can find a newer one, it's be apreciated.

Kichigai Mentat
March 7th, 2007, 16:35
Sounds like a good idea, except how do you handle the different frets? It'd be weird to play it without a linear layout of buttons. Even weirder if you try to play the real Guitar Hero (which I do, every week or so, when I visit a friend)

March 7th, 2007, 19:01
well seeing as its written in python, and there is a psp python port it should be possible, however, the majority of people learn lua/c/c++ over python, so the chances of finding someone to do it is low

March 8th, 2007, 20:17
still, sounds like a kickass idea!

March 13th, 2007, 13:48
Well, I haven't been here in a while, but I have been working on a Guitar Hero-ish game since Feb 14th as it turns out.

I picked Freetar Hero format songs for my game, so no whammy bar. I should have picked Frets on Fire since it is more complete. But maybe I'll support both in the future.

Here's my vid of what I've managed to do (to be released at the end of the week):


I don't know if the python version would be easy to make work on the PSP or not. But someone could try it still.

The keymap I currently use is: L [] X O R, with strumming on the D-pad or analog stick.

March 14th, 2007, 16:48

That look quite cool. (sheep with guitar = awesome)

March 15th, 2007, 00:53
Well, I haven't been here in a while, but I have been working on a Guitar Hero-ish game since Feb 14th as it turns out.

I picked Freetar Hero format songs for my game, so no whammy bar. I should have picked Frets on Fire since it is more complete. But maybe I'll support both in the future.

Here's my vid of what I've managed to do (to be released at the end of the week):


I don't know if the python version would be easy to make work on the PSP or not. But someone could try it still.

The keymap I currently use is: L [] X O R, with strumming on the D-pad or analog stick.

I commend you on your button mapping choices. Great work and good luck in the future, I hope you continue to work on this project as it looks awesome.

Kichigai Mentat
March 18th, 2007, 04:25
Well, looks like this thread is somewhat moot. Gunnar Hero was just released, which is a Guitar Hero-like game.