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View Full Version : RCO Editor 1.11 {Release}

March 4th, 2007, 02:15
By ZiNgA BuRgA

Changelog for RCO Editor v1.11:
Fixed yet some more bugs, lol.
Added a Replace Multiple resources function (for MIG/VAG/OMG resources)
Many bugs fixed with VAG replacing
Now handles multiple channel (stereo) VAGs properly - you can also make stereo sounds too :)
Now for the reminders. The dev mentions that this has only been tested on 3.03 OE-C and 3.10 OE. But, he believes it should work on all 2.71 SE and 3.0x OE. As for 3.10 OE users, customized topmenu_plugin.rco files won't work, but it seems that customizing other RCOs still works.


http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/3721/rcoxo9.jpg (http://imageshack.us)