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View Full Version : Flashing Topmenus and waves and stuff... help

March 4th, 2007, 06:01
yea i know this is prolly a really noob question but.. the last thing i flashed to my psp was my topmenu which i did with xlfash, since then theyve came out with ablity to flash waves and volume bars and submenus and battery and all that other stuff...

Well what im asking is, what do i use to flash that stuff? i want to use xlfash cuz i know its most safe, but can xflash still do all that? if not, what should i use.. Also i have 3.03 OE-B and i dont really feel like updating.. Should i update? or does it matter

Kichigai Mentat
March 4th, 2007, 07:10
Update to 3.03 OE-C, it's worth at least that much.

I actually just started a thread about this over in one of the other forums. Basically, get an XMB pack (wave pack, topmenu, whatever) and fire up Recovery Mode. Advanced Menu, Toggle USB Flash0.


There's a guy over in the Homebrew Discussion forum who got all mad because we weren't all Johnny-on-the-spot to help him the instant he posted, with his bazillion threads, yet all his problems could have been prevented if he backed things up.

If you go to 3.10 OE-A', THERE IS NO WAY TO MAKE TOPMENU FUNCTION, SO DON'T TRY. You'll just semi-brick. Just a warning, to prevent a thousand questions about this.

Anyway, now you've mounted Flash0 on your computer. AND BACKED THINGS UP. So, just overwrite the files included in the pack. They're probably in vsh/resource, but make sure you check the readme before doing anything. Then that's all. Yep, that's all. Just overwrite the files. Then, unmount the flash (you Windows users call it "safely removing" a drive) and exit recovery mode.

If you hack your XMB waves, you may end up with a white screen. Just go over to the Theme settings and choose the first color. That ought to fix it.

You may not have enough space on your flash0 to do anything, though. Go get Flash Agent F4 (It's on http://dl.qj.net) and it has an option to remove the "dummy" files (if you're low when you run it the first time, it'll offer the option to "link dummy files" which essentially is the same thing). Then do your wavehacking.

Have fun man!

March 4th, 2007, 07:18
wow, thanks ALOT... everything i needed to know, <3

Kichigai Mentat
March 4th, 2007, 07:22
Yeah, it's deceptively simple these days. I was expecting something with like five to fifteen steps, almost like going from 2.71 to 3.03 OE.