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View Full Version : Bricked?

March 4th, 2007, 11:09
Okay, My friend was messin' with my psp and he accidentally deleted my "Pmf Tester" and my gameboot doesn't work, Plus whenever I turn my psp on it's just a black screen then it turns off.


I'm skurred.

March 4th, 2007, 11:14
Do you have custom firmware?

March 4th, 2007, 11:43
If your custom firmware you have a few choices -

(both use recovery mode, turn psp off fully and turn on holding 'R' trigger)

Use a recovery pack to go back to 1.5 and then bacjk up to custom


Toggle usb flash0, and put a gameboot manually in there.

VSH ---> Resource ---> 'gameboot.pmf'

Odds are you wont have one if it was deleted, so put one in.

I believe there ilegal to share on here, so use google as your friend.


If your 1.5, you have a very expencive paperweight (or you can get a new motherboard)

March 6th, 2007, 00:28
I have a custom firmware, 3.02 OE-B.

Where can I find a recovery pack?

March 6th, 2007, 01:15
lol 3.02! someones behind the times.
This is what I would do.
Download This (http://www.psp-hacks.com/file/1049)
Go into recovery mode, toggle usb, then run the instaler. Go into your psp folder, then to game150, and rename the 310oea installer folder to "Recovery" without the quotes, then copy that over to your game folder. Then in recovery mode choose boot recovery folder, or something like that, it should be in the main menu.

This way you kill two birds with one stone. Your psp is fixed and your fw is up to date.

March 6th, 2007, 03:38
But I don't want 3.10,

I heard there were some drawbacks.

Do you guys recommend me to upgrade to 3.10OE-A?

March 6th, 2007, 03:45
3.03 OE-C is the way to go

March 6th, 2007, 15:28
Yeah, sounds good to me.

I would just put eboot in /PSP/GAME/RECOERY?

and from recov Mode run it?

March 6th, 2007, 15:55
Use this


This will take you down to 1.50

Follow the instructions, then run it from the rec mode.

Then go to 3.03 Oe-c ;)

March 8th, 2007, 02:06
Thanks peeps.