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View Full Version : EVE Online dev reveals Oculus Rift-based space dogfighting 'experience'

April 27th, 2013, 00:37
http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2013/04/oculusheadset619pxhedimg.jpg (http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/26/eve-online-oculus-rift/)It's not clear if Icelandic game studio CCP is extending its crazy MMO, EVE Online, into the world of virtual reality, but the company is working on some form of EVE-based VR application using the Oculus Rift (http://www.engadget.com/tag/oculusrift). CCP teased the concept during the keynote event at its Fanfest event this afternoon, showing off what looked like a modern Wing Commander-style space shooter set in the world of EVE (similar to the first-person shooter extension on PlayStation 3, Dust 514), built using the Unity game engine. EVEfansite The Mittani notes from a hands-on demonstration at Fanfest that the game is currently 3v3 dogfighting employing the VR headset and an unnamed "console-style game controller." Sadly, it sounds like the project is little more than an internal curiosity at this point, but color us unsurprised if this pops up in a more polished form down the line. We'll add a video of CCP's presentation to this post as soon as it goes live -- we were marveled by the gorgeous visuals and gameplay promise of a space shooter which employs VR.
Several games are currently in development for the Oculus Rift, and Valve's Team Fortress 2 already supports the device (http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/18/valve-team-fortress-2-oculus-rift/). However, the headset that's currently available is a development kit, and not meant as representative of the final retail product.
