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View Full Version : Xbox 360-Wii-Ps3

Gold Line
March 4th, 2007, 15:21
What one do you like best!

March 4th, 2007, 15:42
oops I accidently chose xbox thinking you said what do want most.

My fav so far is Wii considering I have never played a PS3 and I have only played 360 a few times.

March 4th, 2007, 15:46
i own the 360 and the ps3 i want so bad the wii system its shiny and cheap that i cant afford at this moment :(

March 4th, 2007, 16:29
I have a 360, play it a bit (cant afford Xbox live) had a Wii and sold it in the heat of the moment, and am really regreting it now :( wii was the only system since N64 that i could accually play non stop for hours.

March 4th, 2007, 16:42
I have a Wii and Xbox 360. I love my Wii, but there are no good games...its collecting dust. I play my 360 every day.

March 4th, 2007, 17:27
I vote for Wii!

Here's a comparison between PS3 and Wii:


Downloadable VC Games
Controller - rumble + mic + motion-sensing
Very good launch titles/accessories
Anything with a certain IR frequency can be used as a sensor bar
Wiimote stores Mii character to bring to friend's houses
Actually gives you some exercise while playing games!
Sucks disc in - no tray
Menus are easy to navigate
No overheating problems reported whtsoever
Cool blue light for disk insert-hole-mabob
Compatible with Gamecube discs
Wiimote is small and easy to use
Loading animations are cool
Just plain innovative


Sub-360 and sub-ps3 graphics
No real high-def options
Low storage space
Original bought games don't work, must buy from VC (con for cheap people )
Small (Yes, this is both a pro and a con, because it is a hit-or-miss with personal preferences)
Lack of decent online play currently
Might not be around for much longer? - http://wii.ign.com/articles/750/750001p1.html
WiiConnect 24 apparently doesn't do much to speed up load times for online things...
Picture management sucks, it compresses the pic before it's even displayed on the TV
VC games are stretched if you have your settings set at 16:9 TV
Can't save Mii characters to SD card
Friend codes


Currently par-360 graphics (Yes, one game, Motorstorm, does hold up to Gears of War in the graphics department)
Wireless controller
Six-axis sensing
Controller is somewhat see-through (doesn't sound cool but it is)
Controller is light
Now triggers on L2 and R2
Large storage space (60-20 GB)
Full high-def support
Works with most orignal PS1/PS2 games
XMB is easy to navigate and functional
XMB changes bg brightness depending on time of day
Music visualizer is neat and able to be controlled in speed by right analog
Touch-sensitive Power/Eject buttons
Able to exit games/turn off system/turn off controller/change controller number/turn on system with PS Button
Sucks disc in - no tray
PS Store demos/downloadable PSOne games
Blu-Ray discs
Sturdy (Just look at the smashmyps3 video...it actually held up well)


Very large
Very heavy
Problems with some backward compatibility
Blu Ray - made the PS3 expensive
Not full compatibility with PS1/PS2 games
Must pay for PSOne games for PSP even if you bought them before (again for the cheap people )
Need HDTV for full experience
No rumble in controller
Music visualizer has to be turned on through a menu, otherwise a crappy wave just shows up
Free online system
Resistance does not use PS3 system Buddy List
OK Launch titles
Sucky launch numbers - hard to get
Overheats in confined spaces
Huge dust magnet
Sub-XBOX Live Online system
HDMI cable not included and can be expensive
No upscaling of DVDs/old games

March 4th, 2007, 18:30
PS3 definitely

I've still got 19 long days to go :(

March 4th, 2007, 18:41
XBOX 360 BABY, XBOX 360 :cool:

March 4th, 2007, 21:36
I choose the PS3, because I just don't like the Xbox 360, and um, yeah.

March 4th, 2007, 22:34
I like my XBox 360. :)

I might get a Wii someday too...

March 4th, 2007, 23:27
Xbox 360 is the best, especially when Halo 3 comes out. Wii is the second best and I want one really bad.

March 4th, 2007, 23:37
Wii is the best.
i really need one.

March 6th, 2007, 21:15
I have voted for PS3 :D only 16 days to go :D anyway i want a PS3 because they got more time spent on them just to make them better not like the XBOX360 and got rushed ... i might also get a Wii when i have a job, if i get a job :(

March 7th, 2007, 08:54

Cap'n 1time
March 7th, 2007, 18:57
so you were able to make a thread like this... and have it last this long.... with no flames? NICE WORK! :thumbup:

I want a Wii.. I can finally afford to get one now... the problem is I still cant find one.

My second choice is the 360... Live is an incredible service in my opinion. Also it has quite a few good games.

March 7th, 2007, 20:08
Wii, definitely.

Its the only console that I see as worth paying for at this time, as I still haven't seen an Xbox360 or PS3 exclusive that I really want to play.

March 7th, 2007, 20:14
I'm all up for PlayStation 3, although I don't have it yet...

March 7th, 2007, 21:20
The Wii is the best by far :thumbup: