View Full Version : Ropey Duke Nukem Forever turned into a Duke Nukem 3D mod

May 1st, 2013, 13:15
Duke Nukem 3D was good but Duke Nukem Forever wasn't, so I wonder what would happen if DNF received the DN3D treatment?This: Duke Nukem Forever 2013.Modders Mikko Sandt and Gambini took the bull*** by the horns and re-imagined DNF as a Duke 3D mod. It's not entirely remade, as PC Gamer pointed out (http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/04/30/duke-nukem-forever-2013-edition-modders-fix-dnf), but the archaic slap and tickle of Duke Nukem sure fits the Duke 3D template more naturally.Toddle over to the Mikko Sandt Duke Nukem website (http://msdn.duke4.net/index.php) to find and download the mod.There are instructions about how to install it there (http://msdn.duke4.net/faq.php), too.Gearbox's "gruesomely mangled resurrection" that was Duke Nukem Forever (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-06-12-duke-nukem-forever-review) came out in 2011, putting an end to the game's ridiculous 14-year development.
