View Full Version : Samsung Galaxy S4 becomes April's most popular smartphone in four days

May 1st, 2013, 23:06
New device already biting at Apple’s heels.
Despite only being on sale for the last four days of April, the Samsung Galaxy S 4 is already challenging Apple for top spot on the uSwitch Mobile Tracker, having proved to be the third most popular smartphone of the month, Mobile News (http://www.mobilenewscwp.co.uk/2013/05/01/galaxy-s4-third-most-popular-smartphone-four-days-after-release/) has reported.
Based on live searches, pre-orders and sales, the uSwitch.com Mobile Tracker ranked the Apple iPhone 5 16GB as the most popular smartphone of the month, with the iPhone 4S taking second place.
Remarkably, in spite of April 26th release, the new Samsung flagship entered in third spot, while the HTC One moved up to fourth, followed by the Galaxy S3 and iPhone 4 8GB took fifth and sixth respectively.
uSwitch.com telecoms expert Ernest Doku, commented: “It comes as little surprise that Samsung’s Galaxy S4 has entered the chart in such a strong position. A carefully orchestrated sequence of reveals and events since its initial March unveiling has seen the S4 remain on the lips of critics and eager consumers alike. The hype train had barely left the station and popularity in terms of searches and pre-orders were through the roof, resulting in performance usually the preserve of an Apple device.
“The fact that Apple and Samsung occupy eight of the top ten spots is a clear indication of their dominance in the smartphone space, with the impressive HTC One valiantly holding its own.
Doku also added that with early positive demand for the BlackBerry Q10, as well as the impending launch of a new Nokia Lumia smartphone on May 14th, there could be plenty of traction in the uSwitch.com Mobile Tracker over the next few months.
“The slight slip of the XPERIA Z does highlight an interesting trend – the front-loaded nature of handset launches, where device manufacturers attempt to garner attention in a crowded market quickly, followed by demand falling away. Price reductions, free gifts and benefits are frequently bestowed on those customers willing to commit early and pre-order the latest smartphone, as they know a heavy hitter from their competition is just around the corner.
“With BlackBerry’s keyboard-toting Q10 having its own high-profile unveiling at Selfridges and Nokia poised to reveal a new Lumia device in mid-May, expect to see more big bets on flagship phones, which will undoubtedly result in some winners and losers this summer.”
