View Full Version : From Dummy Issues to Official Dreamcast Magazines

May 5th, 2013, 21:53
via http://www.outofprintarchive.com/articles/features/out-of-print/From_Dummy_Issues_to_Official_Dreamcast_Magazines. html

It's surprising what you discover if you take a little time to look around as we did with our videogame magazine collection. It's also even more surprising if you happen to come across a rather rare dummy issue of a Dreamcast Magazine. And we don't mean the issue zero or preview issues that are floating around the web in a pretty poorly scanned fashion. We're talking about the blueprint of a magazine that would come away with the official Sega Dreamcast magazine licence. This was a fascinating discovery and we felt compelled to learn more, so who better to ask than Mark Higham, the editor-in-chief and the man who was brought in to produce the Official Dreamcast Magazine for Dennis Publishing.