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View Full Version : Mannerisms in Hotel Dusk and other games

March 6th, 2007, 21:39
via dsfanboy (http://www.dsfanboy.com/2007/03/06/mannerisms-in-hotel-dusk-and-other-games/)

The New Gamer might not have enjoyed their stay at Hotel Dusk: Room 215, but they appreciate the work put into creating its memorable characters. Adding onto the unique visual style, each individual has a rich set of expressions and postures to communicate with. When one of the hotel guests describes a mannerism of the game's protagonist, you know exactly what he means by "that serious look in [Kyle's] eyes."

Sonic's toe-tapping idle animation and King Hippo's falling shorts were also cited as great examples of unforgettable character details. Simple idiosyncrasies like that stay with you long after you've finished playing a game. What unique traits have you seen give a collection of pixels an identity? Was it Midna's sigh? Or Dry Bones' skeletal chuckle as he passed you in Mario Kart DS?

March 7th, 2007, 02:35
The girls' boobs bouncing in DOA-DOA4

March 7th, 2007, 07:38
In Ocarina of Time, when Link was in the Ice Cavern, he would cross his arms and shiver if you left him for too long.

March 7th, 2007, 12:57
I remember IK+ on the amiga, if you typed in W*NK, it would print "SWEATY HANDS SLIP OFF JOYSTICKS".

Not really a mannerism, but fun.