View Full Version : The longest game intro movie ever

March 7th, 2007, 20:07
Yakuza 2, the sequel to Sega’s sprawling gang-land saga, was just released in Japan. We loved the original so much – seriously, go get it – that we couldn’t wait to rip off the plastic and get back to beating the crap out of henchmen. Too bad the game wouldn’t let us for over a half hour. What!? This isn’t Xenosaga, Sega. We don’t want forty minutes of cutscenes before the game even starts. If every game let us beat up a yakuza henchman on the title screen, then surely the videogame industry would be in a better state. Anyway, we braved the opening “credits” to show you what you’re in for. Grab a sandwich, put down your PS2 controller and hell, even take a nap. Enjoy!

10 seconds
The sequel to Japan’s answer to Grand Theft Auto opens in a seedy Japanese nightclub some time in the 1980s. People dance really badly for a bit, then someone gets shot in an alleyway.

Interesting tidbit
The game comes on two DVDs, so expect a lengthy, time-eating adventure with plenty of cutscenes.

4 mins, 30 seconds
There’s a fire, an evil man slaps a woman, the music swells, then we’re introduced to this grey-haired bad-ass, who points his gun to the camera and fires. Thankfully it isn’t loaded.

Interesting tidbit
In Japan, the ultra-popular Yakuza 2 has managed to outsell the original title by an astonishing margin already.

6 mins, 56 seconds
We meet another nasty, evil crime-lord. We know he’s a nasty, evil crime-lord because: a) he’s smoking, and b) he blows smoke into the camera, and c) he’s got a scar on his face. Obvious, really.

Interesting tidbit
The city streets are far more detailed this time around. Expect more folk going about their business.

via gamesradar (http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/ps2/game/news/article.jsp?sectionId=1006&articleId=20070306104535294046&releaseId=200609011227693013)

March 7th, 2007, 20:39
no sense of sarcasm there then :D anyway i guess it's worth a look before the ps2 dies out ;)

March 7th, 2007, 21:42
I don't think the PS2 is going to last as long and be as remember as the PS1. The ps1 was just so great and went away very gracefully. The PS2 has now had competition so they are spitting out games to try to beat others.

March 7th, 2007, 21:48
a sandwich?? even better. Huge cafeine-loaded cofee to keep you awake.

anyway, i really missed something without a ps2. I'd better buy it.

March 7th, 2007, 22:07
I don't think the PS2 is going to last as long and be as remember as the PS1. The ps1 was just so great and went away very gracefully. The PS2 has now had competition so they are spitting out games to try to beat others.

PS2 sold more than the PS1

March 8th, 2007, 04:57
PS2 sold more than the PS1

The PSone was the first ever console to sell over 100million units Worldwide, and the PS2 has sold just over 115million units Worldwide! :D