View Full Version : Ubuntu Touch: The Other Linux OS For Your Phone

May 13th, 2013, 19:00
Ars takes a look at what Ubuntu Touch has to offer so far (http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2013/05/installing-and-exploring-ubuntu-touch-the-other-linux-os-for-your-phone/). From the article: 'It can't be stressed enough that even in this updated form, Ubuntu Touch is nowhere near usable as a mainstream mobile operating system. Canonical makes no claim that it is. For now, the software is about half development environment and half proof-of-concept tech demo. As such, we aren't going to be evaluating Ubuntu Touch using quite the same criteria we'd use for a shipping product—we're going to be focusing more on how the OS looks and works and less on how it performs. As we get closer to Ubuntu 14.04 and presumably Ubuntu Touch's retail availability, we'll certainly be revisiting it with a more critical eye.
