View Full Version : Sega Saturn Ultra Rare Spinoff the Sega Pluto Fails to Sell at 15k Dollars

May 13th, 2013, 22:42

kidvid666 has yet again failed to sell what is one of the most rarest consoles in the world, the Sega Pluto is a Sega Saturn variant (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sega-Pluto-/251269226255). The Pluto was the unreleased second model of the Saturn. It was revealed by a former Sega employee living in Japan on April 17, 2013 on the Assembler Games forums. Not much is known about the console, but it was nearly identical to the Saturn. Sega Pluto is a Sega Saturn console with a Netlink modem built into the system. The system weighs in at 2.8 kg and has two controller ports, a flip-top drive bay, and a cart slot. A second Sega Pluto was reportedly found in an American flea market, as reported in a video on Destructoid. It now remains unclear as to how many Sega Pluto consoles actually exist.

The Sega pluto was first listed on vintage gaming auction site GameGavel, didnt hit its reserve with a high bid of $7,600. He then put it on Ebay (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sega-Pluto-/251269226255) and the bidding ended at the other day with the price at $15.500 (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sega-Pluto-/251269226255) but it still did fulfill its reserve price, which begs the question how much does he think the console is worth ?