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View Full Version : noteworthy 3rd-party-module usage (via flash0 / 1)

March 8th, 2007, 07:08
i found that any prx such as cwcheat.prx* or VSHpong.prx etc. still work perfectly when flashed to 0 or 1 via recovery mode

i created a folder named "plugins" in my flash0 root and put a bunch of prx's in there, and in the vsh.txt on mem stick, instead of ms0:/seplugins/ type flash0:/plugins/ or flash1:/ (...)

The potential of this method could be unlimited, if a coder were to aim the file paths to flash instead of ms0 (if the prx isnt a standalone file, such as cwc using a .ini and .db), and / or if DAX could put a plugin_path_reference.txt on a flash memory, these prx's could run completely independant of the mem stick.

*cwcheat.prx only works 1st time (until exit game, reboot, or dc from online play), however cwcheatpops.prx works perfect

note: hideMov / hideMedia dont work from flash

March 10th, 2007, 07:54
update: cwcheat 1.7 works fine from flash

March 11th, 2007, 18:50
but with cw cheat you have to have your db and stuff on your memory card anyway... so its usless for that.

But great find anyway