View Full Version : is there still life out there?

May 20th, 2013, 19:39
please reference question above.

May 24th, 2013, 18:51
Doesn“t look like it.

I take a look here about once a week or so but am considering deleting the link to here from my toolbar. I have not found another (pleasant to visit) site that has the kind of things that this forum used to be good for so it is a shame that it has gone this way.

May 24th, 2013, 20:04
the psychology behind homwbrew..
here's the thing with the scene. in the beginning the true draw of homebrew for people was truly not the ability to play some lua game that someone worked hours and hours and possibly maybe one more hour on..
in my opinion the real fire that made the scene burn was how great the psp and moble gaming scene in general was .. when you add to that the ability to unlock a portable and give it emulation to play nes-n64 it was just a powerhouse..

then there was the dark draw of the unspoken words that no one at dcemu was allowed to utter, warez.. no one said it at the time. but all where pretty much doing it...

the problem is these days, the portable scene has become something bigger then just gaming now.. everyone has a smart phone.. everyone has the power of sevral psp's in their hands at pretty much all times....

so why isn't the homebrew scene as firey as it used to be?

smart phones are pretty easy to unlock.. and the coder community for them are simply massive.. even commercial devs code for our smart phones...
we have everything right here on them..

how does a network like dcemu keep up in times like these?

well it would be difficult no matter what we did.. there is simply to many amazing things to keep up with when it comes to smart phones ..

fact, the portable market has not died. its more popular then ever.. its just geared tword everyone on the planet now in the form of a smart phone..

what can dcemu do to premote itself?

I've given wraggs a hard time over the years, mostly because it creates drama which drew people in to the site. wraggs is a smart man I'm sure he knew this.. positive of it.. but the man know how to run a website..

firstly the homebrew scene in general needs to be retooled, times have changed, platforms have changed, the scene needs to change. there are no longer these locked doors to prevent us from running our homebrew..

some sugestions would be, have our coders of course give themselves credit. but putting out software under a brand name is simply more professional, where I to code a program in this day and age. its brand name would be dcemu.

showing that brand on google play would get our name out there to a great deal of people, while saving my own credits for in game or end game..

dcemu needs an app on google play and a great number of its droid/ iphone apps in their markets respectively . but before that. it needs a comminity once again...

what draws in a community? for me, what drew me in where the awesome coders that where more then willing to teach their craft to me.. quzar and darc and bluecrab most notably.. first the coder community then the students will follow...

this is a long post and I am pleased if you made it this far bro..

so much can be done so much can change for the better , but before we do that we need to focus on building a core comminuty,

sorry for any typos or misspellings, I'm doing this from my phone which is simply a pain in the ass to correct at times..

May 26th, 2013, 17:51
This makes me sad :(

May 31st, 2013, 00:05
It is true, there's little to no activity here anymore. Many that were here before have long gone and I don't see any new regulars coming anytime soon.

@lmtlmt - long time no see, I thought you left without trace. How's life for you these days?

June 19th, 2013, 18:02
Thought I would check the forum for the first time in a few years.

Just checking in to say hi. Loved the PSP scene while it was alive.

June 21st, 2013, 03:31

August 3rd, 2013, 09:55
Hi everybody ;)

September 7th, 2013, 19:13
Hahhahahahah for a gamer gaming is life...Btw I miss my life.

September 13th, 2013, 05:59

Been a real busy boy the last few years but I check in once in a while. :)

February 2nd, 2014, 03:48
Sorry Shrygue! Dont think I ignored you, I just forgot to log back on haha. Life for me these days is boring, no more PSP homebrew scene, no more coding... I miss the old days.

February 3rd, 2014, 21:53
Same here, in fact I barely log on these days as I'm busy with work and when I come home most days I crash out straight to bed. As for homebrew, I'd like more on the PS3 but the problem I have is my one is at firmware version 4.53 and so can't downgrade without buying hardware to access the NAND flash memory. I do have another machine income that I scored off ebay back last Friday - £120 for 60GB launch model, HK HTSC-J region with firmware 3.01 and yellow dog Linux (otherOS function before Sony pulled it on v3.21).

February 20th, 2014, 23:18
it is unfortunate that people do move on, we get old we have shit in real life to deal with etc etc yes i keep meaning to be on here, even was going to a launch a new gaming site at one point to start afresh.
But hey its still get hits so can't be all bad now.

February 25th, 2014, 10:57
I am a new member and I have read previous threads/topics and I have noticed that people are no longer that active in posting new info or comments to posts. It is saddening because there are lots of things I have recently learned thanks to this site. So hopefully old members would be active and start posting again.

February 27th, 2014, 05:55
Haven't been here in years, but today, I felt the urge to come back and see how everyone is doing. I doubt anyone here really knows me anyway. When I look back at some of the posts I made here, I think to myself, "Did I really say that??". Meh, it is what it is.

It seems like the majority, if not all, forums emu related have been slowly dying off. These days, my interest in AAA games has dropped to an all time low, working a full time IT career, and coding independent games take up all of my spare time (assuming I can even focus). No forum lasts forever I guess, and going the way of Rouran is just a matter of time.

Much has happened since 2008 (the last time I was here). I left Indiana (and never looked back) in 2009, moved back to my home state of Washington, lived in a hostel with some interesting and knowledgable people and one addicted to pills, saved a guy's life from suffocation when he ODed because the guy addicted to pills gave him the rape drug and some other pills (not kidding), lived with my sister in Puyallup for a while, had some mediocre game testing jobs worked at Microsoft as a contractor in 2010 with s**tty pay, moved back to Seattle, got laid off and ended up homeless because I couldn't find a new job, lived in transitional housing for 2 years, found out that I have anxiety issues and *might* have ADD which caused me to qualify for a very cheap apartment in downtown Seattle (currently $200/mo), got a good job working for an embedded software company working primarily on Blackberry QNX devices, and now I'm doing good working at Amazon as an SDET. It was a rough 5 years, but for all the patience I've gained and BS I had to endure, it was worth it. Good career, minimal expenses, and I can save like $1200/mo towards my savings.

Most importantly, I've had alot of time to mature between then and now. Sometimes, I wish I could go back to the early days (like 2001) and do it all over again. I've discovered techniques to keep my brain focused and motivated. My life is busy, but for good reasons. Emu coding is minimal, but game coding has increased exponentially. Hope to have my game finished soon.


February 27th, 2014, 13:52
you have led an interesting life.
true it is not the best at first but now it seems to me like you have made the best of yourself.
I hope you'd finish your game soon and let us know about it.
Maybe I'll buy a copy of it :)

March 2nd, 2014, 03:44
Hello all.

March 10th, 2014, 15:58
It seems like quite a few oldbys are still around aswell,. Id love to see this community spark to life again ._ It would be great if some software genius exploited the ps4 or something ._ Ahh the good old days

March 13th, 2014, 20:51
Yeah the fun would begin again if it did happen. I've yet to buy the PS4 as 1) I've no money yet and 2) not enough games that appeal to me to compel buying one yet. The PS3 hasn't lost any love from me, I've still got tons of still to get through.

March 26th, 2014, 13:37
Im waiting for a ps4 price drop myself..

March 26th, 2014, 18:04
I wonder if ps4s in canada are powered by steam?

May 5th, 2014, 10:35
John SteamOS

March 31st, 2016, 21:22
Just read through this after visiting again and seeing wraggsters post on the main page.

Some good points shadowprophet the PSP was the a beast in it's time. Now I have a Sony Z3 and I play emulators sometimes with a PS3 controller, it's quite good.

I've started coding a bit and have been using the Raspberry Pi, quite a few people emulate on them. I think the latest one is pretty capable. Seems these days a lot of people use Reddit and things like that but maybe we could get the emulation base back to here again.

April 14th, 2016, 18:16
S34MU5!? The more i see of the oldbies here, I realize that Dcemu hasn't been lost, it's just become unfocused the last little bit..
If we could all pull together on this, We could have this place back in tip top shape within six months. I know we could..

April 30th, 2016, 04:31

May 3rd, 2016, 18:16
SnesR0X! I've not seen you for TIME. Incredible! All the old pros are starting to come out of the woodwork! How are you these days?

June 29th, 2016, 03:33
Dudes.. I keep forgetting about this place, I remember when I'd be posting at least 5 times a day every day here..

July 11th, 2016, 19:15

July 14th, 2016, 12:25
Look, it's NO REP! http://i380.photobucket.com/albums/oo245/092399/smiley-laugh-point-up-yellow.gif

I need to neg-rep a few other people before I can give it back. :D

July 15th, 2016, 23:45
Checking back in because I recently found out that a handfull of my forum accounts on vbulletin were hacked. Never knew it happened, until I come back to visit ngemu for old time sake, and come back only to find out someone spammed my account with porn. At this point, I have an idea of who it is and an IP address to go with it, so at this point I don't worry about it. Just making me more popular anyway.

Glad to see everyone is okay. My life just keeps getting better; bigger salary, but bigger expenses at the same time :/


July 16th, 2016, 17:50
I remember when I had a huge rep score.. OH BTW, who remembers the dcemu casion?

September 28th, 2016, 07:30
I meant Casino btw haha

November 20th, 2016, 22:14
Casino ca$h for all! Yes, I do remember that! Such a long time ago, maybe we ought to bring it back and with some good games to boot as well!

November 21st, 2016, 17:11
I'd be keen for some roulette!

December 17th, 2016, 13:13
DCEmu arcade was fun. I had the top score in Tetris for awhile.