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View Full Version : GDC 2007: No Redesign for PSP

March 9th, 2007, 21:09
Despite being culprit to cramped fingers, Sony has no intention of redesigning the PSP. Sony officials refuted the idea that that PSP was in need of a DS Lite-style remake, stating that the system will see no physical alterations. The design will stay the same, but the way interacts with consumers may change.

A Sony rep said that soon the PSP would reach its promise. That could be a hint that the PSP will finally be able to download movies and become a more interactive partner with the PS3. Sony hopes to one day allow gamers to download movies directly to the PSP. A resolution depends on Sony's ability to find a way to lock movie content, so that you can't simply copy a pay-for-download film to other PSPs.

Expect announcements on some new PSP functionality within the next few months

via ign (http://uk.psp.ign.com/articles/771/771743p1.html)

IM back!
March 9th, 2007, 21:17
finger cramps? hasn' t happend to me.

March 9th, 2007, 21:19
I have not experienced cramped fingers either. I wonder if these new announced features would be added for the PSP in the near future...

March 9th, 2007, 21:42
Cramped fingers, you'd need to play the PSP for a very long period of time to achieve that . Plus it's only inteneded for 10mins-4 hours of play as it is a handheld console.

March 9th, 2007, 21:44
I,d hope sony would have done something about being able to see the psp in the sunlight

March 9th, 2007, 21:54
sonys adding so much downloadables to the psp but their forgetting a major issue, the psp cant hold very much. they need a bigger/cheaper storage method before they have movie downloads.

March 9th, 2007, 23:05
Why is Sony always concentrating on turning the PSP into a movie player? And why is the PS3 necessary for EVERYTHING? If I'm going to buy a next-generation console, it'll be something reasonably priced like an XBOX 360.
My friend managed to buy a PS3, though he never uses it for any sort of special PSP content.

I like the design of the PSP, mostly. The only thing it REALLY needs is a second analog stick. You wouldn't even need more buttons, assuming this would be a PSP remake, not a brand-new system. Get a second analog stick that performs the function of the face buttons, and first-person-shooters would finally be more appealing to play.
If they made a new system, two extra out-of-place buttons (like the XBOX's white and black buttons) would be nice to make up for only two shoulder buttons.
The placement of everything has never hurt my fingers. Longer battery life, bigger memory sticks and a screen that can be seen when external lights are around would be nice.
It seems completely backwards that the PSP screen is almost impossible to see when external lights shine on it, or near it.

March 9th, 2007, 23:19
they must redesign there psp it is necessesray to upgrade and gain money

March 10th, 2007, 04:29
Gawd damn! I don't want to download and watch movies on my PSP I want to play games! Sony is so stupid they are turning the PSP into everything but what it should be a gaming machine.

March 10th, 2007, 18:18
Well, hopefully they'll allow us to download GAMES straight from the PS store as well. Movies and all are great, but I wanna see some games.

Also, since they're not making a new version of the PSP as a whole......maybe they should create a new battery for it. Something that'll last for a while when the thing is running at 333mhz. Especially since all the PSX-PSP games already run at 300mhz. That already drains the battery fast enough.

March 10th, 2007, 19:35
I like everything about the PSP except the over priced storage methods. This 8gig card they are coming out with for 300+ USD is BS. U can get a huge hard drive for that... They just need to make it so u can hook a hard drive in this sucker.