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View Full Version : MacFCEU v0.8a4

May 23rd, 2013, 14:28
via http://www.aep-emu.de/

MacFCEU (http://macfceu.sourceforge.net/) is a Mac OS X port of FCE Ultra (http://www.aep-emu.de/Web_Links-req-visit-lid-127.html).


MacFCEU 0.8a4


**** Mac OS Classic build only ***
The Carbon build is omitted due to the inability to test it.
For accurate (or fairly) Classic emulation, try Basilisk II,
either the modern 2008 version (for faster systems) or build 143 (for older).


Features include: NSFe support, a PPU tile viewer, a customized speed option,
a command line-interfaced debugger with a C-like expression parser.

Sound playback is at the smoothest it’s ever been with sample timing.

More real-time playback in implementing auto-skip.

MMC5 board was reverted, fixed - large CHR banks yet not supported.

Other issues and bugs have been fixed; more fixes and updates are scheduled.

The lone developer on this project finished completing the basics for the
6502 (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOS_Technologies_6502) assembler (see the source code) - supports most formats, short of macros
and special keywords.

The miniunz code for the ZLib (http://www.gzip.org/zlib/) library was also updated to process MACOSX
resource forks.

- See the Changelog for more details.

==== Minimal Requirements ====

System 7.1 or later (7.5.5+ recommended)
A 68020 or better - a 266MHz+ computer is necessary for real time performance;
333MHz+ for full, smooth performance, working speed features
- Note: requirements may be lower with sound turned off (0% volume)
2700KB of RAM (Largest Unused Block), preset to 4 MB/3 MB

The optimal sample rate is 2x the native/set system rate.
(44509 for the 22254.54545 Hz rate; divides evenly by two as far as the
Sound Manager´s 16 bits of fractional precision is concerned.)