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View Full Version : PSX Emulation on PSP Guide

March 11th, 2007, 10:46
Due to my dislike of Tetris999's guide on this, I decided to make my own, hopefully many will find it more informative.

1. What you will need.
2. How you go about it.
3. What you get.
4. More bang for your buck.
5. Last notes.

1. What you will need.
I am going to assume you already have firmware oe-b or oe-c from Dark Alex. If not, there is a wonderful guide here from Nils. http://nilzxx.atspace.com/3.02oe-X.htm
Be sure to follow his directions carefully and fully.
Let's start!
First, get your hands on "Hot Shot's Golf 2 USA".
This file contains a EBOOT.PBP file, a KEYS.BIN file, and a DOCUMENT.DAT file.

You will also need two .dll files. A quick google will get you them very easily. They are: cygz.dll and cygwin1.dll

Gather those along with the Popstation files you get from the Firmware OE-B folder when you did your upgrade.

Make a .iso of the PSX game you want to play on your PSP. You can do this using a program like Alcohol 120%.
As an example, we'll use Lunar 2 Disc 1. When you make it, it's good to make it simple. I used Lunar2D1

Rename the EBOOT.PBP file from the "Hot Shot's Golf 2" folder to BASE.PBP.

2. How you go about it.

Now, open your start bar and go to RUN. Type in "cmd" and you will open the command prompt.

Go to the folder that the command prompt is pointing to and drop those three files from "Hot Shot's Golf 2", the .dlls, the files in the Popstation folder, and your .iso file into that folder.

Back at the command prompt, type in: "popstation.exe Lunar2D1.iso"
Then hit enter. (NOTE: Please remember to take out the quotation marks when you enter it into the command prompt.)

Now it will start making you a EBOOT.PBP file, this will be your game! It may take a while to finish, it all depends on the size of the file.

3. What you get.

If everything went as it should, you will now have a finished EBOOT file in that same folder where you put all your files.

Copy that EBOOT file, along with the KEYS.BIN file and make a folder for them in your PSP GAME folder.
So you'll want to put it in

Unplug your PSP and go into your GAME option and have fun.

4. More bang for your buck.

You will most likely notice that when you go to your file in your PSP, you will see the Hot Shot's icon and background and description. These are actually 3 images that you can replace with your own!

The small icon is called ICON0.png

The description box is called PIC0.png

The large background image is called PIC1.png

The dimensions for each one are:

ICON0 = 144x80
PIC0 = 315x217
PIC1 = 480x272

You can make your own images in whatever imaging program you want, just make sure they are PNGs.

Also, while I was messing around with this I found that if your images are too large, popstation won't work. It's best to keep a TOTAL image size of all three down to around 300KB.

To have your own images appear instead of the Hot Shot's Golf images. Just put them in the same folder as all your files before you run popstation and it will take those instead.

5. Last notes.

While making my .isos of my games, I tried Lunar: Silver Star Story and Alcohol 120% just did not allow me to make it into a .iso file.
After experimenting a small amount, I found out that .bin files will also work with this whole process. I had to use a program called "MagicISO" in order to make the .bin though. Google it and DL the free version.

Lemme know how this all works out for ya. =O

March 11th, 2007, 11:36
very nice guide dude.

Zingaburgas popstation GUI is much easyer though.

It does it all for you, and it does pal conversions fixing the screens.

and you can customise the eboot through it, and it puts the game on the psp for you.

+ rep for you, nice guide.

March 11th, 2007, 11:47
I actually haven't heard of Zingaburga's GUI before today. I'll have to check it out sometime soon.