View Full Version : Dios Mio / Dios Mio Lite 2.10

May 27th, 2013, 22:09
Crediar made ​​a small update to its cMIOS run Gamecube games from a USB device (Dios Mio) or SD (Dios Mio Lite), to fix a bug with the automatic change DVD multi-disc games. As of usual DM / DML is provided as a WAD file that overwrites the original mIOS the Wii (IOS ensuring backward compatibility Gamecube) OR QuadForce if installed.

Installation and Use Mini-tutorial: * Pre-requisite: - The latest version of DM attached - Wad Manager or File Manager Channel (or any other software capable of installing a WAD ) - A loader manager Dios Mio 2.x ( open Wiiflow-mod , USBLoader GX , CFG loader mod ) - A compatible HDD with a FAT32 partition, marked active , first on the HDD , formatted 32K if possible - conversion software games: DiscEX , GCReEX or Gamecube ISO Tool (recommended) * Installation: - Install the latest version of Dios Mio with Wad Manager or File Manager Channel (or any other software capable of installing a WAD) - Install SVN latest version of your favorite loader (note the last compiled version is not necessarily the latest SVN version!) - Your Games Gamecube should be converted, two format choices available to you: discEX or GCReEX. Gamecube ISO Tool provides a graphical interface and knows convert both formats. - The DiscEX size (-c) is recommended as it keeps the game in ISO format + bootloader while GCReEX decompresses all files (making writing and transfer of the hardest games) - The GC games will be placed in a directory "Games" at the root of the FAT32 partition - The HDD must ABSOLUTELY be connected to the Wii USB Port 0 * Usage: to detect loaders Dios Mio automatically look in the default directory "Games" at the root of the partition 1 FAT32 formatted and marked active, the HDD connected to the console port 0. No specific settings are required, UNLESS you want to enjoy 480p with your PAL games, you can force it into your loader options. Beware though, this option can cause problems with some small video games. If you have any problems (black screen or otherwise), you can consult the official FAQ Dios Mio , fairly comprehensive on the subject. ====== ================================================== === Changelog: [ Version 2.10 - 24/02/2013 ] * Fixed a bug in the code pattern detection (DVDLowReadDiskID) [Version 2.9 - 24/02/2013] * Changed patch code to Prevent false hits (DVDLowReadDiskID) * Added C_MTXLightPerspective patching (Fixed heat effects When using wide screen hack in Zelda: WW) [Version 2.8 - 24/02/2013] * Fixed a bug in GCLoader That broke the progressive patch * Moved progressive patch back 16 bytes, this PADHOOK fixed and progressive patching not working at the same time Note: Dios Mio, Dios Mio Lite QuadForce share the same installation slot (cMIOS). It is therefore possible to install only one of them according to your need (DM for HDD, DML for SD, QuadForce for games Triforce). 2.10 Dios Mios Dios Mio Lite 2.10 Official Website : https://code.google.com/p/diosmios/
