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View Full Version : Ice Tea not working on some images what to use?

March 11th, 2007, 16:05
Ok after ripping some of my PSX discs to ccd and or bin and cue when I try and convert them to eboot with Ice Tea 1.3 it locks up and crashes. This is only some games (Tales of Destiny for one), I have converted many other PSX games without problem. I am using 3.10 OE-A' and I would like to make eboots compatible with this firmware. Again all my other discs convert fine and work on my PSP. I just can not convert some images because Ice Tea freezes up on them.

March 11th, 2007, 16:21

Zingaburga's Simple Popstation GUI (http://dl.qj.net/Simple-Popstation-GUI-v2.21-Beta-PSP-Tools-Utilities-(on-PC)/pg/12/fid/12220/catid/192)

Its faultless.

It does EVERYTHING for you, even puts the game on the PSP.

Yeah, it could just be a problem with your program, just give this ago. :)

March 11th, 2007, 17:16
Ok well it is Ice Tea that is the problem with converting some images. However Popstation Gui doesn't make the Eboot only 3.10 OE style Eboots it makes the ones with the Keys.bin. I didn't test it with the Keys.bin file in the folder also but just placing the eboot without it and trying to run it (again under 3.10 OE-A') gives the error (CA000005). Again with Ice Tea 1.3 all my PSX conversions are single file eboots with no need for the keys file. Which is what I am wanting to do with these other images.