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View Full Version : Criminal Complaint Filed Against Facebook After Girl's Death

May 29th, 2013, 22:52
A prosecutor has opened an investigation into how Facebook allowed the publication of insults and bullying posts (http://www.theguardian.com.au/story/1531660/facebook-challenge-after-girls-death-leap-over-insults/?cs=5)aimed at 14-year-old Carolina Picchio, who took her own life after a gang of boys circulated a video on Facebook of her appearing drunk and disheveled in a bathroom at a party. The Italian Parents Association has filed a criminal complaint against Facebook for allegedly having a role in the instigation of Carolina's suicide. 'This is the first time a parents' group has filed such a complaint against Facebook in Europe,' said Antonio Affinita, the director. 'Italian law forbids minors under 18 signing contracts, yet Facebook is effectively entering into a contract with minors regarding their privacy, without their parents knowing.'
