View Full Version : Bug In Samsung S3 Grabs Too Many Images, Ups Data Use

June 1st, 2013, 22:30
Researchers of the BenchLab project (http://lass.cs.umass.edu/projects/benchlab/) at UMass Amherst have discovered a bug in the browser of the Samsung S3. If you browse a Web page that has multiple versions of the same image (for mobile, tablet, desktop, etc...) like most Wikipedia pages for example, instead of downloading one image at the right resolution, the phone will download all versions of it. A page that should be less than 100K becomes multiple MB! It looks like a bug in the implementation of the srcset HTML tag, but all the details are in the paper (http://lass.cs.umass.edu/papers/pdf/mbenchlab_iwqos13.pdf) to be presented at the IWQoS (http://www.ieee-iwqos.org/) conference next week. So far Samsung didn't acknowledge the problem though it seems to affect all S3 phones. You'd better have an unlimited data plan if you browse Wikipedia on an S3!