View Full Version : Let the SixAxis rumble rumours begin

March 13th, 2007, 19:49
God of War II director Cory Barlog has dropped a heavy hint that the PS3 SixAxis will be given a rumble feature in the future.

It's amazing what can come from a launch party of a videogame. 1up reports that Barlog let slip a few interesting things about the future of the God of War series (which will obviously hit PS3 at some point this year or next).

Here's the clip: "Did Barlog just confirm that God of War 3 will be in 1080p with SixAxis and VIBRATION functions on PS3? He sure did! Whoa! Well, technically he didn't confirm GOW3, but he confirmed SixAxis and vibration for the future of God of War."

Whoa(!) indeed.

And on that note, Kotaku reports that Sony is already testing a rumbling SixAxis. It's all pointing in the right direction...

via cvg (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=159841)

March 13th, 2007, 20:28
'But rumble is so last gen' ;)

March 13th, 2007, 21:02
'But rumble is so last gen' ;)

... i think ur alone wid the last gen m8 :rolleyes:

March 13th, 2007, 21:07
i never use rumble in games anyways so im not fussed. if it cums ill just turn it off.

March 14th, 2007, 18:45
... i think ur alone wid the last gen m8 :rolleyes:
Actually that would be Phil Harrison is alone with it since I was quoting the man from Sony

March 14th, 2007, 19:40
well, even if rumble is considered by some as "last gen," most gamers out there love it, or at least feel empty without it.........when they play games that is. sony might as well just add it into their controllers, there's enough of a demand for it for it to do well.

March 14th, 2007, 19:45
Actually that would be Phil Harrison is alone with it since I was quoting the man from Sony

oh yh lmao :P

March 14th, 2007, 19:55
I truly fail to see how a method of gamer-console interaction can be viewed as 'last-gen'. Considering the fact that the future of games will probably consist of virtual reality where the user is fully immersed in their gaming environment.

To not improve on rumble, would be to essentially degress.

March 14th, 2007, 21:38
I've heard rumors that Sony and Immersion are working on a type of force feedback that wouldn't really be called "rumble". It is similar but more advanced and accurate to the action in the game. There may be some rumbling, some jolting, some ... well I can't really think of any other verb that a controller could do but there are definately more. Anyways, I think you guys get the point. That may be why he said "rumble" is last gen. I'm not sure though.

March 15th, 2007, 02:41
I've heard rumors that Sony and Immersion are working on a type of force feedback that wouldn't really be called "rumble". It is similar but more advanced and accurate to the action in the game. There may be some rumbling, some jolting, some ... well I can't really think of any other verb that a controller could do but there are definately more. Anyways, I think you guys get the point. That may be why he said "rumble" is last gen. I'm not sure though.

Perhaps, it is very likely. Rumble isn't as refined as perhaps some other type of feedback, but nonetheless, it still stands to reason that a form of force feedback is necessary.

But then again, there is little that I can imagine can be done with the technology to 'improve'.

Perhaps independent vibration mechanisms that will tell the user perhaps where they are taking damage from? Perhaps the vibration would be intense at one point and the others gently reverberate to signify a bullet wound, while a rocket explosion would simply vibrate extremely on all the motors, vibrators, whatever.

Cars would vibrate more along the side motors and gently towards the center.

I don't know how feasible it is, but such is the really only improvement I can see that would warrant 'rumble' being past-gen and something else being 'next-gen'.