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View Full Version : Moore: EA did not lobby for Xbox One pre-owned DRM

June 12th, 2013, 23:08
Outspoken exec Peter Moore has insisted that it did not lobby Microsoft to introduce pre-owned restrictions with Xbox One.
There has for a long time been talk throughout the industry that key publishers have been applying pressure on platform holders to curtail what they regard as the revenue-stealing pre-owned market.
But EA COO Moore has outright denied that EA was one of those voices.
"As the guy who is the chief operating officer of Electronic Arts I can tell you that EA did not aggressively lobby for the platform holders to put some gating function in there to allow or disallow used games,” he told Polygon (http://www.polygon.com/2013/6/11/4421314/electronic-arts-talks-drm-and-used-games).
“I am on record as being a proponent of used games. I like the ecosystem. I like the fact that it's kept pricing at a good level for eight years. I like the fact that someone can buy a physical game and see some equity in that game. That keeps GameStop vibrant and they are a great launch and marketing partner for us.
"EA has never had a conversation, and I have been present at all of them, with all of the manufacturers, saying you must put a system in place that allows us to take a piece of the action or even stop it. Absolutely incorrect."
That settles that, then.
