View Full Version : Some excellent tutorials for beginners of Fenix coding

May 1st, 2005, 14:16

These are for DIV, but do compile and run under Fenix. These are excellent for beginners.

Here's the list from the page:

Tutorial 1 Place graphic on screen
Tutorial 2 Move graphic without animation
Tutorial 3 Move graphic with animation
Tutorial 4 Move graphic with animation and collision detection
Tutorial 5 Move graphic over scrolling landscape
Tutorial 6 Energy bar
Tutorial 7 Time countdown
Tutorial 8 Scoreboard
Tutorial 9 Lottery number generator using WHILE command
Tutorial 10 Rotating and resizing graphics
Tutorial 19 Roll palette - colour cycling
Tutorial 20 Mode 7 - 3D graphic planes
Tutorial 21 Mode 7 - 3D graphic planes with objects

p.s. I've already talked to Ian (the webmaster of that page) about converting his games to run under Fenix, and tried to convert them, but ran into some crash problems.

May 1st, 2005, 14:52
Excellent!, just what I needed to get started, thanks very much Atari and Ian.

May 2nd, 2005, 01:13
Wow..!! that surpased what I think to do in my tutorials by far! if the code is not that hard to read, why not post it in here?? we can try to find where the difference of compilers are and debug the programs so they work in Fenix ;)

May 2nd, 2005, 02:07
ooh now thats great :)

May 3rd, 2005, 08:41
Wow..!! that surpased what I think to do in my tutorials by far! if the code is not that hard to read, why not post it in here?? we can try to find where the difference of compilers are and debug the programs so they work in Fenix ;)

All but one of them are for DIV2, so those games are out of the question for conversion. The one that I managed to get running with crashes is Jet Pac, and the author asked that I not share his source with anyone. I plan to revisit the code once I learn a little bit more and am able to debug the programs better. Plus, I've got my own game to finish :)