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View Full Version : just had an idea

March 17th, 2007, 20:49
ok would it be possible to make like a prx that would change you volume bars/ battery icons when you change your theme automatically? like if im on theme one it will flash battery1 volume1 and busy circle . when im on theme 2 it will well you can figure it out.. anyways id really like to know if this could be done so yeah.

March 17th, 2007, 23:52
Not easily, you would be best making a complete theme flasher where it flashes all the files for a theme at once... Or do it manually in recovery mode.


March 18th, 2007, 00:02
yeah but wouldnt it be awesome if by changing your theme on your xmb all that other stuff would change too?? im pretty good with the theme stuff and ive released a couple of packs but that would just be awesome.