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View Full Version : Tic Tac Toe(LUA)

March 20th, 2007, 01:01
New release from stvnkch:

This game is for 2 players as I do not intend on adding an AI(well I really dont know how). If someone would like to add an AI feel free. just dont take all credit for the game.

X= place X
O= place O
triangle = play again
Square = no
HOME = exit

USB mode will automatically enable once you start the game. feel free to get rid of that feature by deleting the
System.usbDiskModeActivate() the first line of the index.lua.

this game has been tested by myself with 3.10 OE-A2 and works fine.. it should work on all custom firmwares including 1.5. LUAplayer is not required to play this game. any questions contact me at [email protected]

for any custom firmware 2.71 and up place the tic tac toe(lua) folder in your game150 folder.

for firmware 1.5 place the tic tac toe(lua) folder in your game folder. you will need a custom 1.5 that will allow non kxploited eboots.

this may work in 2.71, 3.03 hen But I have not tried as I have no psp with 3.03 or 2.71 so if you test it on 2.71 or 3.03 hen and it works please email me and let me know.


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March 20th, 2007, 01:02
lol cool.

March 20th, 2007, 02:17
LoL i like the msn version... i hope its somethging simmilar

March 20th, 2007, 05:17
Who would want USB mode in a tic-tac-toe game??

March 20th, 2007, 21:05
who cares? (to the usb thing)

also, this is the EXACT same thing as my psp tic tac toe game! Don't beleive me, check the code out yourself!

Its just sad when a "dev" completely copies the game from another dev. So he changed two lines of code (adds usb and "Press HOME to exit") and changes the gfx. Then he calls it his own. Why copy a simple game of tic tac toe. Whats next the SAT/ACT?

Don't beleive me?

you can download mine: at dcemu under lua games, at qj.net and at http://www.cools.biaklan.com/Files/

This is just sad... :(

March 20th, 2007, 21:42
If someone would like to add an AI feel free. just dont take all credit for the game.

rofl how ironic is that if "cools" is right (i dont have time to check :rolleyes: )

March 20th, 2007, 21:49
Has this really been stolen code???

March 20th, 2007, 22:08
lol he stole a code from such a simple simple script lol

March 21st, 2007, 00:38
well time for proof (sorta)!

Heres the link to mine: http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/psp-lua-games-26678.html

Note: Released on June 9, 06

Heres the link to his:
Released March 20, 06

The code is the same, i would post it but there arent spoiler tags and otherwise it would be huge... He left in all comments and everthing. Didnt even change it to a for loop to search through wins... I do have an updated version (with the for loop fix) but I don't even know if i'll release that.

for a game like tic tac toe...

see? no spoiler tags...

March 21st, 2007, 01:11
Wow, stvnkch, I was going to give a good comment even though itīs only tic-tac-toe. But.....
Thereīs no doubt in my mind, or anybody who compares the code to Cools. Its obvious. you could have at least tried to disguise it a bit more.
You should pull your entry.
Lol, if you were going to steal code why did you pic tic-tac-toe???

March 21st, 2007, 04:27
guys I'm giving you my most sincere apology. This code was given to me by a friend who asked me if I could fix it up(he had already changed a few things around). I was not aware that he stole the code from cools and I would like to apologize for that. I wont let it happen again. I hope you can all forgive me about this. next time I will be more careful with code my friends give me, and make sure its not someone else's code. and once again I am truly sorry.