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View Full Version : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TMNT US Version

March 20th, 2007, 01:46
New from SuccessHK (http://www.superufo.com/product_html/SONY_PSP_Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_Turtles_TMNT_US_Vers ion.html?aff_id=24)


This Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game is based on the CG animated movie produced by Imagi Animation Studios and based on Mirage Studios' Foot Clan-kicking Turtle heroes. The game takes place in a New York City plagued by secretive villains and strange, otherworldly creatures. Faced with these perils, the Turtles will experience their most trying time as heroes and as a family, as Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo lose their focus and struggle to maintain their unity and ninja discipline. It's up to Leonardo and the faithful father figure Splinter to reunite the band of brothers and save New York City from a monstrous evil that lurks around every corner. Players engage in over-the-top acrobatic navigation, collaborative combat and powerful fighting moves.

March 20th, 2007, 02:15
I saw an advert on the t.v for the movie... aparently the Halo movie is nearly done!

March 20th, 2007, 02:17
when is the halo movie supposed to come out? it better kick ass like the doom movie

March 20th, 2007, 02:43
the doom movie sucked in my opinion. it didnt even have to do with hell coming through the teleporters or nothing!

March 20th, 2007, 03:43
yeah the doom movie sucked by t he way has anyone had any trouble running this TMNT game on 3.03oe-c i dont know if it is the copy i have or did sony come up with a new trick to block dax custom firmware

March 20th, 2007, 05:48
I have 303 oe-c and make sure All your settings are default...IE UMD speed and xmb speed...Also try deleting off mem card and putting back on...And dont use no-umd...Also...the game takes alittle getting use to bc you have 3 jump keys when you are playing meanig there is more then one way to go when running on rooftops and secrets to find by jumping one way or the other...So it fun....but takes a while to get use to....Cheers

March 20th, 2007, 05:48
This game is utter garbage. I feel bad for the countless kids who sucker their parents or save up their piggy banks to get this game.

The game is basically follow-the-dot roof hopping with poor fighting being implemented. To clarify, basically you have very little or no real control of your character. You move to a glowing dot and have to hit square to jump left, triangle to jump up, circle to jump right, etc. etc. For "Ninja" turtles, this is a sad attempt. This game doesn't even qualify for a half-way decent platformer or brawler (beat 'em up).

The camera also bothers me greatly. This is obviously a rushed out and extremely scaled down version of the console games. The developers took no mind to the PSP being "portable" and the camera often goes back so much that you can barely see your character.

Just a joke. I'll honestly say I didn't even try to get that far in the game but I hear it only takes a couple hours to finish if you can bear the torture. Also, the fact that this is a $39.99 is a slap in the face to hard working families and gamers. Nobody should buy this game and send a message that games should be of some sort of quality before considering release.

And in closing, to add insult to injury, a lot of TMNT fans are older believe it or not. Growing up with the original TMNT series. TMNT fans deserve better, MUCH better.

I am very ashamed of UBISOFT and will look at future titles from them with more scrutiny.

March 20th, 2007, 11:18
After playing the first 3d TMNT that Konami did, I pretty much gave up on there ever being a good TMNT game ever again. I think I'll stick to playing the two arcade versions on my pc and the first TMNT on my GP2X. Hell I'll even stick to the awesome SNES version of Turtles In Time.

March 20th, 2007, 12:15
yeah i got it to work it BLOWS i will stick to snes can i play the original on my psp does it work on mame4all

March 20th, 2007, 15:01
I was expecting something a lot better. AFter the trailers for the movie, this should have been so much more. Unfortunately it's just another PSP rush job p.o.s.

March 20th, 2007, 15:10
yeah i got it to work it BLOWS i will stick to snes can i play the original on my psp does it work on mame4all

No it doesnt work on mame4all, which im gutted about. :(

March 20th, 2007, 21:56
I still cant believe that the arcade games have yet to be playable on the psp.

March 20th, 2007, 22:07
This game was a disappiontment :(

I played it and thought it was horrible, i was really looking forward to playing it as well thinking that it will be really good. I was sadly mistaken. :(

I stopped playing right at the second level. The fighting and 3d rendering is just plain bad.

March 20th, 2007, 23:18
Well lets hope someone updates mame for the PSP to play the orginal Arcade TMNT or is that TMHT game? as that was the best and better than this new game!!!!;)

March 21st, 2007, 05:14
Or you could play the NES port of the arcade game.

March 21st, 2007, 08:48
Well lets hope someone updates mame for the PSP to play the orginal Arcade TMNT or is that TMHT game? as that was the best and better than this new game!!!!;)

Ive been saying that for ages but it seems the developer has abandoned the psp port.

The programer for mame4all 'Chui' has his own developers section on this website so maybe people should contact him and see if we can get him back on side with the psp. :thumbup:

I'm sure that everyone who wants to see games like tmnt playing on mame4all will agree with me that these are essential titles to be working on the psp! Maybe if we ask nicely and even donate to his paypal section for mame4all (which I will kindly do to see this gem work on my machine). :D

It definetly possible though, if we can have all cps2 and neo games running perfectly (via NJ's emulaors) than the psp is more than capable of getting tmnt to work (even the dreamcast has better mame support with games like tmnt and the simpsons working).

SOS going out to Chui, Kech and co! ...we need you!

March 21st, 2007, 09:35
I really can't understand how there's no mame or many other arcade emulators for the PSP, when we have emulators for systems that have much less interest and are less documented.

Together with N64, Mame and arcade emulators are the last frontier of PSP homebrew imho. You only have to check the insane number of pages that the last mame port thread has in this forums to acknowledge the degree of interest in the community for that kind of port.