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View Full Version : Devil May Cry 4 no longer only for PS3

March 20th, 2007, 08:09
When Microsoft's Shane Kim told 1UP that certain titles we perceive to be PlayStation 3 exclusives weren't so locked up, we figured that he was talking about the Assassin's Creed or Mercenaries debacle. What Nostradamus here was hinting at was probably this: Devil May Cry 4 will be released simultaneously for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.

Capcom announced this news in both a late night press release and on their Japanese website as well. Like every good multi-format press release, it goes on to say that each version of the game will take advantage of the specific strengths of each platform. Well, thank god!

Now that Devil May Cry 4 has been announced for all the next generation consoles, we wait for the other foot to drop. While Capcom has gotten pretty cozy with Microsoft, we're interested in seeing just how long Dead Rising and Lost Planet remain Xbox 360 properties.

I'd like to thank my family, friends, and of course the big guy, Chuck Norris

March 20th, 2007, 12:17
yeah, that's my capcom :)

Gold Line
March 20th, 2007, 13:15
R.I.P ps3

March 20th, 2007, 15:44
it really is a shame that capcom is starting to target the US using the 360.
I just see the originality of games (or whats left of it) going down the crapper if this becomes a trend for alot of big japanese dev's

Sonicboy 101
March 20th, 2007, 15:56
Things really aren't going well for Sony.
First they lose their virtua fighter 5 exclusive, and now this!
What next? Metal gear solid 4 on the 360?

March 20th, 2007, 16:57
R.I.P ps3

lol yup this is another reason im not sure wich to buy now, ill just wait and see what happens


March 20th, 2007, 17:58
I hope this continues with other games too, then I won't have to spend another 700 bucks for a while

March 21st, 2007, 20:44

Meanwhile, Micro$oft still holds Halo, Mass Effect and Gears as exclusives. . .

March 21st, 2007, 20:48
Hmm, Sony May Cry 4, now that's a good one! :rofl:

Sonicboy 101
March 21st, 2007, 20:53
Ha Ha! sony may cry 4.:rofl:

March 21st, 2007, 21:36
in the words of cartman

"you know this to be true"

seriously though, did anyone hear that they lost Ace Combat as well? and the fact that it's now an exclusive for Xbox360?