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May 4th, 2005, 18:09
PSP64 pic (http://storage.msn.com/s1pZ8pl_R1n1zE5d9mZRn65A-2TrGjjz81KDjChRDEACf2PStjH5lgT-b5f55-WMSDsSahuqL4SYnWfV0P1A-xhdA/00.jpg?MdToken=477239709978823)

The first Emulator for PSP
It's an italian product, The PSP64.

The games for the Nintendo 64 turn very well. It's Wonderfull. It's Great!
new details in 48 hours

May 4th, 2005, 18:17
Um right. Another hoax no doubt. Where is the website and where is the proof besides a picture?

May 4th, 2005, 18:21
I give it 48 hours then til this person gets banned and the topic deleted. Starting now...

May 4th, 2005, 18:24
This is more counterproductive than anything. I mean come on, if the folks over at psp linux can't figure out how to hack this thing (other than the elf thing) then what makes you so sure someone else out of the blue say that they created a n64 emu for the psp?

May 4th, 2005, 18:56
we need to see the official website dammit

May 4th, 2005, 20:14
ironic name that isnt it? Stinkbomber! cos he's infact talking sh!t!

May 4th, 2005, 20:19
theres no way an n64 emu is going to be released yet.

May 4th, 2005, 20:31
theres no way an n64 emu is going to be released yet.
I agree.

May 4th, 2005, 20:39
As everyone says its too soon for ANY emu to be released. The PSP was just recently cracked (rummor).

So no way its out.

I on the other hand have a real N64 emulator on my psp. Its called Trollssuck64.
I attached an image to the post, so look at it and be in awe of my prowessesees... Yeah thats it...
At least itl be funny when he gets banned.

May 4th, 2005, 21:50
Wow its sad how much your graphics editing skills suck. No doubt youll soon be banned also.

May 4th, 2005, 22:05

A. I am a double major (Networking, VB) with a minor in graphic design and C (Wanted to make videogames.) So I assure you my "graphics editing skills" do not "suck". (Well they do when compared to those of my friends, but they are probably far better then some Photoshop monkey's.)
B. Look at the name of the emulator and the quality of the screenshot I put on. Hmm, could it be that I was being sarcastic? I mean surely the context of my message would give it away... aaah never mind.
C. Sense of humor = good.
D. I love pie.
Hmm, speaking of pie, I’m going out. I have a sudden craving for D.

May 4th, 2005, 23:56
someone got their knickers in a twist

May 5th, 2005, 00:19
The only fool around here is believing that an actual n64 emulator exists for the psp. BTW alex, I couldn't do what you did so in my eyes it looks pretty cool. :P

May 5th, 2005, 01:20
Hey my knickers are my own business... and btw there not in a twist. Wouldnt that be rather painfull, lol...
Heh no what bugs me is when someone doesnt read the post and begins to flame. Those people in my eyes are as bad as the actuall trolls.

And I agree with you Schmuck. No way in heck is it going to come out... for quite a while.

May 5th, 2005, 05:36
Hey my knickers are my own business... and btw there not in a twist. Wouldnt that be rather painfull, lol...
Heh no what bugs me is when someone doesnt read the post and begins to flame. Those people in my eyes are as bad as the actuall trolls.

And I agree with you Schmuck. No way in heck is it going to come out... for quite a while.

or at all.....

May 8th, 2005, 01:08
Hey wheres our N64 emulator for the psp!? Its been more than 48 hours damnit! lol I knew this was a hoax!

Cap'n 1time
May 9th, 2005, 05:55
you people are silly hill billies. the first things released for psp are going to be techdemos and stuff (such as the super mario world thing, which sadly, i cant get to work) itll be a while before any emulators or big homebrew creatiions will even begin to show their heads. + i would kind of hate to see the controll scheme for a n64 emulator on a psp... just sounds kind of ugly. What I am really wanting to see is (what i always want to see when emulators exist for consoles) snes, some form of mame, and genisis emulators. id also like to see a linux similare to the ppc distrobution appear (and i think i read somewhere that this is in the works.)

now im going back to play unreal tournament and guild wars, thanks for interupting my long absence... jerks.

May 9th, 2005, 06:35
You think someone with that many posts would have learned to spell by now.

May 9th, 2005, 10:43
This isn't locked yet?

It is now.