View Full Version : Battle DCity

March 21st, 2007, 13:57
Krut posted the following info about his project a while back at the DCEmulation.com Development Forums (http://dcemulation.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=89508):

Hello guys!

Dont know if you remember me, ive been on and off of the DC scene for a while, i was in charge of the graphics of BurgerDC (wich i plan to retake sometime soon).

Anyways, ive been working on a side proyect, wich, most of you familiar with the classic title Battle City, should recognize.

Anyways, i have some pretty fun ideas for this proyect, wich would be practically impossible to implement by myself, and i think we could really take advantage of some characteristics of the DC.

The game is basically, an overhead tank game, for up to 4 (human) players, to battle out, in different gamemodes.

- Deathmatch
- Conquer the flag
- Cooperative
- King of the hill
- Floorpaint

A somewhat crazy idea, ive been toying around, is having some sort of stealth, provided by the shadows on the game, so, when covered by one you dissapear from screen, but you can still move, and stablish your position on the vmu of each joystick, hence, covering up your position to other players.

The idea would be to have a level editor, and a 1/2 player story mode, battling out the cpu controlled tanks, while trying to preserve your base, and of course a heavy emphasys on the multiplayer mode, wich played on the crappy pc version (with 4 players, seem pretty damn fun, imo) bellow.


A link to something i´ve been putting up together, sort of an example if you will.

- Download Expired (Mirror: http://fackue.ifastnet.com/BC.zip)

Well, im hoping someone would get interested in this, and forgive the poor hosting were i placed the file.

Cheers peeps-