View Full Version : Kart Everything That Moves (KETM mod by xxJuanStunnaxx)

March 21st, 2007, 17:38
:::Latest news 04/11/2007:::
I am back from my rather long vacation. It would probably take me a few days to catchup with all forum posts and resume coding. Meanwhile, here is some google maps humor: http://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF8&q=new+york+to+moscow&oe=UTF-8&z=3&om=1 (check #23) :-)

In this modded KETM version you control Mario in a flying kart and shoot your enemies with eggs, fire and other stuff.
The package also includes original KETM and 1941 mod.
drop both KETM folders in /PSP/GAME and run under 1.5 kernel

March 21st, 2007, 18:40
I only just noticed you didnt do the mod, I was wondering "Deniska modding and not coding :O"

Lol just messing dude

Great looking mod, sadly not my sort of game but hope others enjoy, about time a mario mod with a sense of achievment :)

March 21st, 2007, 18:44
I Bow Down Before The Master Awesome Game

March 21st, 2007, 19:03
What the.....LMAO! This mod is hillarious! Time to play this...again! Thanks for this awesome, enjoyable, and very funny mod.

March 21st, 2007, 19:43
I never expected asomething new about this 0.0 Thanks!! I loved the original one.

March 21st, 2007, 20:11
I'm glad everyone likes it. I was making it for me but it came out so good I had to share it.

March 21st, 2007, 23:03
that is the bomb!

March 22nd, 2007, 03:40
Oh yeah, I found a cheat for the game. When you're in trouble press select to pause, wait a few seconds then hold x to continue game. The baddies will magically disappear. Is there a in game screenshot taker? Cause 4 mysterious pictures of the 3rd background are in my ketm file. I remember the game acting screwy during the level 3.

Nevermind I found it. You press R. Simple.

March 22nd, 2007, 07:40
i used to love this game hah this looks like a cool mod

March 28th, 2007, 04:49
Hmm Well I installed this and the regulr KETM and 1941 mod works, but when I try to run the Mario mod, it crashes my PSP.. any ideas?

March 28th, 2007, 06:23
try re-installing; check your memory stick for errors;
which FW version do you run?
It seems to work great on my 3.10 (under 1.5 kernel)

March 29th, 2007, 20:28
Also if a file is missing it won't run. Check to see you have every file by comparing it to the other games.

April 1st, 2007, 07:01
How do you check memory stick for errors?
I'm running 3.03 OE-C.

Well The reinstall worked.. Thanks! Odd I didn't get any errors before.

April 19th, 2007, 08:15
Now I have an error. I lost the KETM files off my memory stick. So I reinstalled it. I was working on an halfass mod that I gave up on because everything was getting screwy. Probably cause I copied the Kart folder instead of the KETM one. Now there's an corrupted highscore file that won't delete. I copied over it but when I play the original games it screws up the Kart one.

May 28th, 2007, 01:18
in the menu, the second option was


and the PSP gave me an error of

FATAL: cant load image _KartEverythingThatM_1941/12side.png: Couldn't open _KartEverythingThatM_1941/12side.png

So I simply changed the folder named


under the PSP/Game/KETM to


im running 3.40oe-a

November 20th, 2009, 05:39
I know this is two years old but I can't get it to work again. I made it so I should have it on my PSP. The Kart one name gets mixed up and won't play. I reinstalled time and time again and it just won't work. I have custom firmware.

November 20th, 2009, 07:48
Nevermind I just deleted the other two games.

So to make this a worthwhile 2 year bump...



That is the Standalone Kart Everything That Moves!
With it's own Custom Eboot!

Can you host it again so it won't be lost?

December 13th, 2009, 23:31
Can you help? I can't get it to work on 5.50 Gen D.