View Full Version : Programming the SPU in C/C++

March 22nd, 2007, 01:59
via ps2dev (http://ps2dev.org/news/Programming_the_SPU_in_C/C++)

IBM's series on programming high-performance applications on the Cell BE processor continues. Part five concentrates on programming the CPI in C/C++. The introduction:
Write optimal code for the Cell Broadband Engine? (Cell BE) processor's synergistic processing unit (SPU) and have your programs running lightning fast. This installment of Programming high-performance applications on the Cell BE processor covers SIMD vector programming, branch elimination, loop unrolling, instruction scheduling, and branch hinting techniques. Previous installments have covered the basics of the Sony? PLAYSTATION? 3, the Cell BE architecture, and SPU programming.

It's over at www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/power/library/pa-linuxps3-5