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View Full Version : vLib v1.5!!!

March 22nd, 2007, 02:34
News from Zettablade:

I've changed a massive amount of code and such in this release. It's faster, and more efficient. It can also draw some simple shapes (dots, lines, and a bunch of differrent rectangles). Also have a lot of the features documented (<PATH_TOV_LIB)/html/index.html).
Since so much has changed in this version, I suggest you checkout the sample and read up on the documents. If you any errors, bugs, or issues, please notify me immedialtly. Next version (v1.7) will have all the image loaders working, and a complete model loader! I'll start up v1.6 (development) tomarrow. Enjoy!

- Loads PNG images
- Load image into ram and vram
- Auto-swizzles images upon loading (makes for a much faster blit)
- Draw images
- Rotate images
- Crop images
- Draw an image from a specified center
- Unload images
- Enable/Disable linear filter
- Powerful input checking
- Functions for start and stop library and drawing
- Some benchmarking functions
- Display models
- Primitive display list
- 3rd person camera
- Timed movement

- Bugfixes! (yay?)
- Optimizations (duh!)
- Add in support for the following image formats.
tga bmp jpg/jpeg/jpe
- Add in support for the following 3D model formats.
obj md2 (these ones eventually) 3ds maya blend
- Add in support for the following audio formats
at3 wav
- Write a player to play all the media formats listed above
- Better use of display lists
- Add image alpha masking
- Add in a bitmap font loader and printing function
- Graphical filter functions
lighting, reflection, cell shading (need more)
- Terrain generator
- Mip-Maps
- Functional 1st person camera
- More powerful/faster 3rd person camera

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via zettablade (http://forums.qj.net/showpost.php?p=1458583&postcount=1)

March 22nd, 2007, 02:45
sounds great! cant wait for future releases, maybe i'll use this for a 3d game. keep it up!!!

March 22nd, 2007, 03:36
Woah Sounds Great! I want this.

March 22nd, 2007, 04:38
sound awsome ill give it a try

March 22nd, 2007, 18:52
Go on my site nd ill put what ever you want on it for you what ever is asked for the most i will put it on my site THNX FOR VISITING (Well if you want to)

"by the way good app lol"